Page 28 of Meet Me On The Ice
Winking at me as the doors opened to our floor, she raced off in front of me. Looking at every door until she finally found ours, she held the room key up to open it. Once inside, she switched on the lights and gasped a little under her breath.
I assumed she was used to top quality hotels after traveling around the globe for her competitions. But she still looked just as excited as a kid would on their first big summer vacation. I quietly watched her sit the towels and things onto a table that overlooked the landscape of the city. She wandered around the room looking through every draw and every cupboard.
Pulling my phone out, I hunted for Paula’s number and decided it would be best to text her as phoning, she could become rather nasty and already this was going to open a can of worms.
Paula, can you get some clothes delivered to the New Tree Hotel.
And why do we need clothes, Samuel?
I may have had too much to drink and can't drive so I opted for the safest route to book a hotel room.
Is Kimberly still with you? I hope you are not going to do what I think you’re going to do!
We have barely held hands. I’m not a player.
No, you’re just a heartbreaker. But fine, I will get some clothes delivered to you in the next hour. Just behave please, we can’t be dealing with more bad publicity.’
Smiling as I felt satisfied, after all I had not caused Paula some sort of heart attack. I looked over at Kimberly who had begun raiding the mini fridge. This bill was definitely going to cost me in the morning, but if she was happy and enjoying herself, I didn’t care.
“Give or take, new clothes will be here shortly. Now can you tell me this idea of yours?”
“Make sure we get dress clothes. And maybe pajamas – Oh! And clean underwear! – Oh and maybe some socks.”
“Anything else you’d like to add?”
I joked as she downed a mini bottle of gin. She was going on a ‘let's mix my drinks mood’ and I was sure she’d pay for it in the morning. Sending off another text to Paula about our requests, she responded with an angry face and a middle finger emoji. Luckily, I knew that usually meant she’d still do as I requested. Hopefully.
“So, dress clothes? Are you planning on sneaking us into that wedding then?”
“Hey! It will be fun, and we only live once, right?”
“Alright, but if we get caught, it was your idea.”
Chucking me over a mini bottle of vodka then, she gave me that same look as she did downstairs. Opening the bottle, it was just one gulp, a shot worth really. The liquid burnt as it went down, already I was beginning to feel the buzz.
I shouldn’t have been drinking as much as I was. I knew I had to keep my wits about me. I didn’t think Sam would try anything with me, he seemed to be a gentleman. But it had been a very long time since I had been in a room, alone, with a man that wasn’t my husband. And as much as I hated to think about it, a woman had needs and Sam was just as equally handsome as he was in his teens, if not more so in a rough and rugged way.
Watching as he took a seat on the edge of the bed and fiddled with the plastic mini bottle of vodka, he looked as nervous as I felt. That’s why I needed liquid courage. Even if we had been in a room together previously, that time felt like another life. A lifetime ago.
Finally, after almost an hour and some scrolling through my phone, there was a knock on the door. Sam opened it and in popped a girl who couldn't be much taller than five feet. She seemed bouncy and way too eager, as her smile beamed across her face. Short black hair swished as she looked at me up and down, her blue eyes seeming to judge, but the smile never disappeared.
“Here you go, Mr. Jones. A suit and a dress for your companion.”
She handed him a long dress bag and Sam hung it up against the bathroom door frame then she handed him a duffle bag, which I guessed was filled with a change of clothes and other things.
“Thank you, Emily, sorry to pull you away from the, eh – whatever it was you were doing.”
“No probs, boss, Paula sends her regards and also told me to mention the image.” She winked at him before again looking at me with a smile then leaving the room.
She was in and out in a flash, barely giving me a look. What did she mean by the image? Was that a codeword of some kind?
Getting up, I unzipped the dress bag and in front of Sam’s grey suit was a navy-blue dress, drop shoulders and knee length. Pretty and would work nicely for our little wedding gate crashing plan.