Page 29 of Meet Me On The Ice
“She also packed shoes and umm these?”
Looking over my shoulder, he was holding up a pair of black heels, a pair of black laced panties and a matching black bra. I could see the toying and playfulness in Sam’s eyes as I snatched them out of his hands and headed into the bathroom, pushing the door shut.
Undressing and taking a good look at myself in the mirror, my hair was still down after the dress shop and I wasn’t too sure how I was going to fix it up.
“Eh Kim, there were these in the bag as well.”
Sam’s hand poked round the door, holding some kind of toiletry bag. It made me laugh a little as he held it out, as if it were something diseased. Opening the bag, not only was there a brand-new hairbrush, but there was also brand-new make-up and moisturizer. His assistant really thought of everything.
Once I changed into some clean underwear, I put on a splash of makeup. I attempted to do the dress up, with no such luck as it was a zip up all the way on the back. Which now meant, Sam would have to help me.
Breathing in deeply as my nerves began to get the best of me, I looked at myself in the large bathroom mirror and tried to calm myself down, counting to ten.
“Sam, could you come and help me, please?”
He didn’t reply at first and as the painful seconds went by, I wondered if he didn't hear me. Before I could call out to him again, he knocked on the bathroom door then slowly pushed the door open. Stepping inside, he was looking at me with a stunned look on his face.
“What, eh, can I help with?”
“Can you zip me up, please?”
“Oh, umm yeah sure, no problem.”
Coming up behind me, I caught a glimpse of him in the mirror as he stood there. Both of us seemed to tremble a little. As he began to zip me up, I became incredibly hot and although he wasn’t really touching me, I deeply wished he was.
Our eyes met in the mirror as his hand trailed up to move my hair over my shoulder then he finished zipping me up.
“It’s a bit tough.”
I didn’t have anything to say. If I allowed my mouth to utter the words that were running through my mind, I would have come undone there and then. He cleared his throat before stepping back. Lowering my eyes from his gaze, I turned and picked up one of the black heels and slipped my foot in. Before I could put the other shoe on, he knelt and lifted my ankle to place the shoe on.
His warm hand wrapped around my skin and such a simple thing sent shivers up my thigh and a heat rose deep within me. A heat I had forgotten about. But within seconds, he was back up standing in front of me, a half-smile across his face as he licked his lips before turning away and walking back into the bedroom.
I wanted to scream and shout at that moment, and pounce him all at the same time. Bracing myself against the sink counter, I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and compose myself.
“Are we doing this or not?”
Standing in the bathroom doorway, he looked at me as if I were his dessert. Even as he pulled his suit jacket on and held out his hand to me, he didn't take his eyes off me. He knew what he was doing, of course he knew. He was one of the biggest fuck boys in the entire hockey community and therefore, he knew all the moves.
Standing up straight and relaxing my shoulders, I wasn’t going to let his smooth moves do anything to me. Or at least, I wouldn't let him know they affected me. We were going to sneak into that wedding, have a dance, grab a drink and heck maybe even do a fake speech! But what we weren’t doing, was making googly eyes at each other, and taking each other’s clothes off. Even if deep down, I really wanted to.
* * *
We stood outside the main function room door as the music continued to blast and most of the guests were very, very drunk by this point. It was perfect timing for us as no one would even notice us just gate crashing. Well, unless the couple were sober and if they were, we’d be screwed and possibly thrown out of the hotel.
“Are you sure about this?”
Sam whispered in my ear as he came up behind me, sending more shivers down my spine and making me jump a little. I was getting cold feet myself and thinking that this was a stupid idea, and we should just head back to the bar.
“I’m, eh – maybe – I don’t know.”
“Problem is though Kim, if they recognize me.”
“Oh shit, I didn’t think of that.”
I hadn’t. It wasn’t something that even came up while I was thinking of this fun silly plan. If he was spotted, the media would catch wind and his photographs would be all over the sports news. Yes, maybe this was a bad idea.
“Actually – Fuck it. We only live once right.”