Page 20 of Heat of the Moment
I burst through the front door like someone desperate for oxygen. It felt like it too. I stopped short when I saw Caroline with Rex. Fear coursed through me. What had she asked him? Caroline was like the FBI when she wanted to know something.
I prayed Rex had kept his cool.
I went to him and he pulled me close. I could have kissed him for the way he was handling himself. He was the perfect boyfriend. Attentive but not overbearing. Loving but not nauseatingly so.
As much as this was an act, I had a feeling that Rex would make a wonderful partner. I caught myself before I delved deeper into that fantasy. Why was I even considering what Rex would be if he was a real boyfriend?
“Hey,” I whispered softly.
He brushed his lips against mine, and I felt a surge of desire pulse through me. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was nerves, but I wished I was back in the suite with Rex. Just us alone.
“I was just getting to know your boyfriend,” Caroline said next to me. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone now.”
“Okay, see you later,” I said without turning around.
When she returned inside the house, Rex took a step back to look into my eyes. “You look stressed.”
“That, and tipsy,” I added with a laugh. “Seriously though, thanks, Rex, you’ve been awesome. I can see the envy in their eyes.” I could just imagine what my relatives were thinking. How had I managed to land a prize like Rex?
“You know, maybe some of them are just happy for you. At least, I know Caroline is,” Rex observed.
I waved away his words. He had no idea what he was talking about.
“You don’t know them like I do. They’re all just happy that Tiffany is happy. They don’t care for my happiness.” All the gaslighting and pretending finally got to me and I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying.
Rex was about to answer when a car pulled up in front of the house. I froze when my eyes zoomed in on the driver. Steven. Everything decelerated to slow motion. He opened the door and went around to open the front passenger door. Bastard. He had never once opened the car door for me.
My stepsister stepped out. She went on tiptoe and kissed Steven. Then he said something to her and she threw her head back and laughed. A burning sensation spread across my chest.
“Is that them?” Rex whispered in my ear.
“Yes,” I whispered back.
Pain gripped me as I watched them walk up to the house, holding hands. They had no right to be so happy after what they’d done to me. They still hadn’t noticed us yet, giving me a chance to study them. Her pregnancy was still not showing and she looked amazing.
I shifted my eyes to Steven and red, hot anger shot through me. No good bastard. As though he could feel my eyes on him, Steven looked up, his step faltering. Tiffany looked up and she too slowed down.
Rex moved closer so that our bodies were touching. They came up to us and for a few seconds, no one spoke. Rex was about six inches taller than Steven and Tiffany looked up at him, a slight frown on her face. I knew that look. It was the most incredible thing, but the blushing bride wanted Rex for herself!
Rex held out his hand to Tiffany and broke the silence. “Hi, I’m Rex, Willow’s boyfriend. You must be her sister, Tiffany.”
“Ah, so you’re the new man. My sister always had amazing taste in men. It’s such a pleasure to meet you,” she simpered.
Rex turned to Steven and shook his hand. “And you must be the proud groom.”
“Yeah, I’m the groom,” he said in an almost defensive way. Perhaps he understood the underlying currents of change in his bride’s body language.
Tiffany turned to me, her expression emanating empathy and kindness. “I hope you’re okay with all this…”
My blood was boiling, but I raised an eyebrow, and pretended to look amused. “All this? “You mean your wedding?”
She nodded. “We never wanted to hurt you, Willow. You’re my sister. You mean everything to me.”
I bunched my hands into fists but kept them out of view by shoving them behind my back and smiled so wide, my lips hurt. “Relax, Tiffany. Its’ all water under the bridge now. I’m happy. I’m with Rex.”
Rex snaked his hand around my shoulders protectively, but his voice was light. “That would be me. Luckiest man on earth.”
“Well, I’m happy that you’re both happy,” Tiffany said, sounding sick.
An awkward silence descended on us.
“We should go, darling,” Rex said. “It’s been a long day and I know you’re tired.”
“Did someone say something about leaving?” Nicole asked from behind.
I’d been so engrossed in my performance I’d not heard the front door opening. Nicole hugged Tiffany and Steven in greeting. I hated how easy their relationship looked. Fresh anger and resentment rose up my throat.