Page 21 of Heat of the Moment
“Yes, we should be going,” Rex said. “It’s been lovely meeting all of you.”
“Where are you staying?” Nicole asked.
“At the Lake Club,” I said.
“The Lake Club?” Tiffany exclaimed. “Oh, brilliant. Steven has booked the deluxe suite there for me because I was worried about travelling through the snow in my wedding dress. So, if you ever get bored in your room, you’ll be able to come visit me in my suite.”
“Or you can come and visit us in the Presidential Suite,” I said innocuously.
Her eyes bulged so much they almost fell out of her head. “Oh! You’re in the Presidential Suite.” She looked at Rex, then at me, and this time her gaze slid to the Chanel purse I was carrying. Clearly, she must have thought it was fake until this new announcement alerted her to the fact that Rex was wealthy enough to afford the Presidential suite.
She flashed a big smile, but there was a strange expression in her eyes. “Yes, I will definitely come and visit you there. I’ve always wanted to see the inside of it.”
I seemed as if I’d thoughtlessly opened a door I did not want opened. I wished I’d never wisecracked about her coming to see us in our suite.
“Right, we should be going,” Rex said firmly.
“Drive safely. These roads are dangerous when the night draws in,” Nicole advised.
“I will,” Rex responded, turning me away.
“Bye,” I called over my shoulder.
“See you guys tomorrow,” Tiffany sang brightly.
I slipped into the car and fastened my seatbelt.
“You okay?” Rex asked.
“Yup, but I’m really, really not looking forward to the hen party tomorrow.”
“I know how you feel. One of your cousins invited me to the stag night. He said it would be low key and in one of the local cocktail bars,” Rex said.
“Low-key!! Steven doesn’t know what the word means,” I spat, hating the bitterness that had crept into my voice. There were too many horrible emotions sloshing around in my body. I probably drank too much too. I needed food and I needed it soon.
“Can we please go straight to dinner?” I asked.
“Sure, why not.”
The hostess sat us at a cozy table for two, and a waiter brought us the food and drinks menu. Rex ordered a bottle of wine. In my head thoughts of Steven and Tiffany swirled incessantly. I hated them. Hated how they had betrayed me.
“Let’s talk about something other than Tiffany and Steven,” I decided.
“Be happy to. Tell me about your dad,” he invited.
I smiled and felt every part of me relax. “He was a wonderful human being. So kind and humble. You would have liked him and he would have liked you too.”
The waiter brought the wine. As he poured it into our glasses, my mind became awash with memories of my father. Even if Rex and I were just friends, or friends with benefits, my father would have loved him.
“I know for sure my father would have loved you,” I said in a faraway voice.
An odd expression crossed his face, and his voice was sincere when he said, “I would have loved to have met him.”
I think I must have been extremely nervous and stressed because I drank and talked nonstop throughout dinner. When we stood to go up to our suite, I had to loop my arm around Rex’s waist to keep my balance.
When we got through the door of our suite, Rex took a step back.
“Goodnight, he said distantly.
“Goodnight,” I whispered and moved away from him.
When I reached my room, I closed the door and leaned against it. Someone had come in, switched on the bed lamps, turned down the bed, and left chocolates on the pillow. I sat on the bed and ate the chocolates. They were good, but I must have been in such an emotional mess my stomach churned.
I decided to take a bath.
I ran the water in the round marble bath, poured in half the bottle of bath salts, and got in, but I couldn’t relax. Something felt wrong and incomplete.
Getting out of the bath I padded over to the long mirror. There, I stood staring at myself, soapsuds dripping from my naked body onto the white marble floor.
I touched my breast. It had been so long since I was with a man. My eyes shone with some sort of unholy light, and between my legs my clit hung, hot and heavy. I stood there for what seemed like forever. Until my skin was covered with goosebumps.
Eventually, I moved away and rubbed my body briskly with a towel, bringing the warmth back to it. Almost in a trance, I dressed in my semi-transparent nightie, then brushed my hair and fluffed it out.
My bare feet were silent on the thick carpet as I walked out of my room and over to Rex’s. I didn’t knock on his door. I simply turned the brass handle and opened it. The lights were off, but he wasn’t in bed. He was standing in front of the window looking out.