Page 52 of Hide With Me (The Game)
He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. “We’ll make that happen. What do you wanna watch? Pixar movie? Marvel? Or are you a Star Wars boy?”
I snickered and squinted for the water gushing down. “How about Band of Brothers?”
“Oh, a peach after my own heart.” Dean gave me a tight squeeze from behind that made me laugh, partly at him and partly at Daddy’s deadpan expression.
“He’s a fuckin’ mini-Dean,” Daddy stated flatly.
I grinned goofily.
Band of Brothers for the win!
Daddy insisted he go out on his own to buy ice cream, because he had to “talk to Reese and the others anyway,” so he placed Dean in charge of me until he was back.
I kicked off my shoes and began preparing coffee for Dean while he dug out his laptop. Macklin didn’t have a TV in his cabin, but I didn’t mind watching movies on a laptop. I did that at home sometimes, even though I had a small flat-screen.
I snuck a glance at Dean as I waited for the coffee.
He’d put on comfy clothes too, though he still managed to look distinguished and super handsome in his dark-green-and-marine-blue-plaid flannel bottoms and a matching marine tee. I could totally see him at home like that, with his chesterfield couch, million books, and open fire. I’d even spotted an old-fashioned drink cart at his place.
General jumped up on the couch and found a resting spot on the armrest.
“I don’t suppose we need to order a cleaning until we leave,” Dean said, “but we should change the sheets.”
“Yes, Sir. I can do that,” I replied. I remembered Ivy telling me where they had a washing machine and dryer in the main house. “Would you like a snack, Sir?”
“I’m fine, thank you.” He sat down on the couch and logged in to his laptop. “You can bring the ointment we used at the house. I’d like to have another look at the marks on your neck.”
“Yes, Sir.” I turned around and smiled to myself. For the first time, I completely understood all the subs online who liked to post photos of their marks. They felt so good! Like a collar.
When I joined him with coffee, the lotion, and a Sprite Zero for myself, he was ready with a thick, soft blanket, and his disarming smile gave me the nervous butterflies.
No wonder Daddy wanted Dean to turn our relationship into a triad. Playtime had been like a dream come true in more ways than just fantasies and kinky fun. My own crush on Dean had intensified, and part of it stemmed from watching him and Daddy together. The affection between them was beautiful—and worth protecting.
I sat still as Dean brushed his fingertips across the back of my neck and down toward my front.
It tickled a little in a good way and made me shiver.
“Are you positive we didn’t go too far, pet?”
“A gazillion percent,” I said. “I love the grabby hands.”
He let out a chuckle. “Good. So do I. And you do mark so beautifully.” He dipped down and kissed my neck, causing another shiver to run through me. “Our little peach. I think that’ll be your new nickname.”
Soon as he straightened again, I looked up at him. Could he say such things and feel nothing? Was this just playtime for him?
For once, I didn’t hesitate a bunch. I had to ask. “Do you not want to try dating with us, Sir?”
His smile softened and turned a tad rueful. “It’s not about what I want, dear. I’m a practical man, and I struggle to see how we would work long-term. With our age difference, we can’t be on the same page in life.”
I scrunched my nose. “What page are you on?”
“The epilogue just started,” he joked. “I don’t know, to be honest. Let’s just say I don’t enjoy the things I could tolerate in my twenties. I don’t go clubbing, I won’t set foot in a hostel, I’m not very flexible with my time, long walks are the extent of my exercise regimen, not a warm-up for a ridiculous cross-fit session—”
I gigglesnorted because he was so funny—and he had the oddest view on what young people liked!
“Oh, you think that’s funny?” He narrowed his eyes at me.
“Yeah,” I laughed. “Daddy and I pillow-talked about hobbies last night, and he’s way more adventurous than I am. Did you know that he likes rock-climbing and bouldering? I made him a promise to try bouldering, but I was like, I can prepare the picnic while you climb.”
He grinned slightly, the fondness he had for Daddy clear in his eyes. “I’ve heard of his daredevil ways.”
Uh-huh. “Does that mean he and I aren’t on the same page in life?” I wondered. “I love to hike out in nature and take walks through parks and museums—he prefers to climb mountains and go mountain-biking in rough terrain. But when we talked about it, we didn’t see any issues. You know? Like, we can walk together, talk and stuff, and then he can take on a cliffside or whatever while I sit at the bottom on a blanket and read.”