Page 53 of Hide With Me (The Game)
I could tell he was processing what I’d said, so I continued.
“The only club I’m interested in running through is this one right here in Mclean,” I said. “I don’t do cross-fit either, and I don’t think I’ve ever set foot in a hostel. My dream vacation is to visit Verdun in France and go to the war museum there. Take a million pictures, stroll through the town, and set my credit card on fire in the museum gift shop.” I didn’t believe we were on different pages in life for a second. Yeah, he was older, significantly so, and I wasn’t indifferent toward it, but it wasn’t a stupid deal-breaker. “I’d also like to go to Bastogne, London, Gettysburg, and Hawaii.”
His mouth twitched with a pinch of mirth. “I’m sensing a battlefield theme.”
“You’re a smart cookie!”
That earned me a grin and a shake of his head.
“Daddy wants to show me Costa Rica, the beaches in Spain, and where he spent his summers in Chile as a child,” I added. “But I love to swim, and he likes warships and stuff like that, so yeah. I think we’re on the same page in life because we want to do all these things together. We want to give it a go and see what happens. And don’t tell Daddy this yet, but—” I leaned closer, ready to tell him a secret. “I have a vision about his house. It’s too soon to talk about plainly, but I can totally see a kitchen designed like his mamá would’ve liked and a big library upstairs for geeks like me. Plus, maybe I can move my 3-D printer from my grandma’s house in Virginia Beach. Also, gardening. Daddy loves fresh fruit and vegetables. But this is between you and me.”
He smiled faintly, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and I hoped it was because I’d made him think. I wanted him to see the future Daddy and I were hoping for. It wasn’t anything outrageous or extravagant. We weren’t extravagant people. We were just two guys connecting and deciding to build something together.
“You’re almost a new person compared to the shy boy I met yesterday,” he murmured.
I pursed my lips and weighed my answer. The shyness was hardly all gone, but… “I don’t think so. I think you’re seeing more of the guy I was before Caleb messed me up. You should’ve seen me a year ago. I couldn’t even work or leave my parents’ house.”
To those around me now, I still came off as timid and socially awkward. If only they knew. I’d come far by the time I’d decided to leave Berkeley to start fresh in DC last spring. They didn’t know what a big step it’d been for me to join House Mclean.
Dean let out a breath and reached for his coffee. “Now I know what the Germans felt when the Allies came barging in.”
Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard.
It even woke up General, and he gave me a sour look before he jumped off the couch to go rest elsewhere.
Dean Aavik
Waking up to the smell of fresh coffee and Joshua in my arms…
Gael was missing.
I furrowed my brow and squeezed Joshua to me. Where was the boy? Oh—the coffee. He must be downstairs already. I yawned, not ready to open my eyes just yet, and I stretched out a bit. Then I buried my face against Joshua’s neck and kissed his warm skin.
He let out a sleepy hum, and I stroked his hip, my cock nestled perfectly against his ass.
I wanted to see what my peach was up to.
Something clanked downstairs, like a pot against glass, and it was followed by a whispered, “Oh crap.”
I smiled to myself and, much like yesterday, felt excited for a new day to begin. Although, I did not look forward to today’s task of putting Gael in the proverbial line of fire. But since Tuesday hadn’t resulted in any Caleb sightings, today, Thursday, was step two. Gael was going to return to campus, despite that he was officially no longer my student.
Careful not to wake up Joshua, I eased away from the mattress the three of us had shared for three nights now and searched through my bag for an outfit. I’d have to go home today at some point to fetch more clothes. Maybe after class.
Joshua and Gael had made loose plans to stay till the end of the week, and I wasn’t even going to try to fight it—if they wanted me to stick around.
After putting on a pair of boxer briefs and gathering the clothes I’d wear today, I headed downstairs and found Gael humming to himself—and shaking his pajama-clad bottom—by the stovetop. He looked over his shoulder, presumably hearing the steps creaking.
“Good morning, Master Dean.” He beamed at me. “Breakfast is almost ready.”