Page 111 of No Pucking Way
I hesitated for a moment, then told him, "There was someone else there...trying to separate us. They called me a slut, but I can't remember who it was."
Jack’s jaw tightened. “We’d better find the guys and get going,” he said.
Frustration coursed through me. “Okay,” I whispered.
He was tender with me as ever, walking onto the ice to grab my discarded clothes, and then kneeling to help me dress in my panties and pants.
But something felt different between us now.
The ride across the city to the penthouse felt cold and wrong.
Falling asleep in his bed however…in his arms...did not.
* * *
Something woke me up in the middle of the night.
I stared around the inky blackness, my eyes finally coming to rest on the shadow of a man sitting in a chair just a few feet away from me.
Before I could scream, Greyson was in front of me, covering up my mouth. “Shhh, sweetheart. It’s just me.”
I glanced back at Jack, but he was still sound asleep, his breaths coming out slow and even.
“What are you doing here?” I hissed.
“I couldn’t stay away. I never could.”
I fell silent at that little pronouncement, staring at him sleepily.
But I still wanted some answers.
"My wasn't happy, was it?" I whispered, desperate for answers, feeling a knot of sadness forming in my chest.
He sighed and then shook his head. "No, not always."
“Is it even worth remembering?”
“It made you who you are today.”
I huffed.
“Fucking incredible,” he continued.
“I’m getting a little closer to remembering all the time,” I whispered to him, ignoring his cheesiness. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was true or if it was just what I wanted to believe.
“I’m always here for anything you need,” he told me.
“I know.” I chewed my lower lip. “And that’s why I hate to ask you to…”
His brows arched. I’d trailed off, and he prompted, “Say it, Kennedy.”
“I–I want them too,” I said in a rush.
“I can be enough for you,” he told me, anguish breaking through his stern tone.
“Of course you are enough,” I told him. “You’re amazing, Greyson. But I need all of you for my memories. If you have a piece of my past that you can help me remember…they have pieces too.”
“That’s not the only reason. You’ve always wanted them. Let me show you that I’m enough on my own now.”