Page 112 of No Pucking Way
“You are enough, Greyson. I just…I loved them too, didn’t I?”
He nodded. “Yes,” he admitted. “You loved them too.”
He stood up from the chair, and I couldn’t help feeling as if I might never see him again.
“I’ll see you again?”
“Of course,” he frowned, then said, “Do you think anything could make me stay away from you?”
“Don’t give up on me,” I whispered.
“Never,” he said, leaning over me on the bed. His lips brushed mine in a tender kiss, then he deepened it, his hand cradling my cheek, kissing me as if he would never stop.
I was breathless when he released me. His icy blue eyes studied mine as he promised.
And somehow Jack continued to sleep.
“I’m not like them… I’ve never given up on you and I never will. Someday, you’ll see I’m the only one you need.”
I watched as he left, a flicker of unease in my stomach…for no apparent reason at all.
Once Carter, Sebastian, and Jack left for practice the next day, I slipped out of their luxurious condo building myself, my heart pounding. I couldn’t help but feel like one of them—or Greyson—would be watching over me.
The warmth of their home left me as soon as I stepped from the sumptuous lobby into the wind-whipped street.
The city outside seemed grimier than usual, a stark contrast to the opulent lobby with the doorman and the lavish penthouse. I pulled my coat tighter around me, but the wind seemed to bite right through my coat. My lips felt as if they were growing dry and chapped, and I stuffed my cold hands into my pockets.
As I walked back by the hospital where I had once lived and then further into the part of the city where I could afford to rent an apartment, I felt a sense of unease. I stayed far away from Wakefield Street and the burnt ruins of my old apartment building. Sebastian must have sensed what I would worry about most, because he had been sure to tell me there had been no deaths or real injuries from the fire.
The streets were littered with trash, and some of the buildings were marked with graffiti. I almost walked right by the squat yellow brick apartment building, then turned around and went in. I’d made an appointment to tour the building, and I didn’t want to be rude.
"Ah, you must be Kennedy," said the tired but friendly apartment manager when I buzzed into the office. His eyes bore the weight of years of managing less-than-ideal living situations, but his smile held genuine warmth. "Let's take a look at the one bedroom we have for you, shall we?"
"Thank you," I replied softly, trying to put on a brave face as we entered the dimly lit hallway. As we made our way through the small, cheap apartment, we exchanged polite small talk about the weather and the latest happenings in the city.
"Sorry about the state of the place," he apologized, scratching his head. "But it's all we have available right now."
I forced a smile, trying not to think about the discolored walls and cracked tiles. "It's fine. I understand."
I’d made a sad little apartment like this into a cozy home.
But would any place really feel like home now?
All I could think about as I looked around was how much I'd rather be with Jack, Carter, Sebastian, and Greyson.
I’d felt so safe with each of them, despite their psycho sides. Having their strong arms wrapped around me was the most comfortable, cozy place in the world. Making them laugh filled me with so much joy that when I pictured their handsome, laughing faces, I smiled myself.
But when they fought, I felt like I was being ripped apart.
If someday, I could feel safe with all of them…
I could be home.
"Is something wrong?" the manager asked, noticing my distant expression.
"Um, no," I lied, shaking my head. "Just thinking."