Page 47 of Monster's Past
“They don’t realise how amusing they are,” I respond softly.
Someone passes behind us giving off the same sense as the vampires before. I freeze, causing Cethin to look at me with concern written all over his face. “What is it?”
“I just got a weird vibe from some vampires and then again just now. It’s like they feel different from most people.” I frown. “It’s probably nothing.”
Cethin laughs, surprising me. “Or it’s just your magic.”
“I’m supposed to be able to prophecise death,” I point out. “Though all the research I’ve done seems to be suggesting that it’ll take years before I’ve mastered that ability.” I’m still not entirely sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one.
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t alreadysensedeath,” he points out.
“Vampires aren’t...oh.”
“Yep.” He offers me a drink and I take it.
“You think it’s my banshee magic sensing that they’re kind of dead?”
“It makes sense. You were able to sense your hamster almost being dead when you were a kid.”
“Hmm, true.” I look around the room, trying to hone in on how each of the people surrounding me feels. My eyes widen as my gaze lands on Meic. He doesn’t feel the same way the vampires do, but it’s also not the same as what I feel coming from the others.
“Meic’s a ghoul,” Cethin supplies.
“How did you know what I was going to ask?”
“It was fairly obvious,” he admits. “But there’s your answer.”
“Huh.” I’m going to have to pay a lot more attention to the people around me if I want to hone this skill. I’m not sure precisely what I could use it for, but I suppose understanding my magic is important regardless of if I can think of a specific use for it.
“Are you free later?” Cethin asks.
I nod. “What did you have in mind? More breaking and entering classrooms?”
He chuckles. “Something much less likely to get us into trouble.”
“I don’t know whether to be disappointed or not.”
He brushes his hand against my leg under the table. “I’d like to think you won’t be disappointed.” The way his voice dips makes me think it’s full of the promise of what’s to come.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Meet me by the statue of the sneezing gargoyle after dinner,” he responds. “All will be revealed.”
“I’m intrigued.”
“You should be.” He waggles his ears at me.
“I’m going to be trying to work out what you have planned all afternoon.”
“I can give you a taste.” Magic jumps from his fingers to my leg, sending a bolt of desire through me.
I let out a small gasp, having to hide it when several people look at me. “Bit my tongue,” I lie.
Nati’s expression says that she doesn’t believe me, but that she also doesn’t want to ask me for more information, but she soon goes back to her verbal sparring match with Meic.
Cethin’s amusement is written all over his face.