Page 48 of Monster's Past
“That was mean,” I chide him.
“But it’ll give you something to think about during class.” The corners of his lips curl up into a knowing smirk.
“And now you’ll be thinking about what I’m thinking about,” I tease. “Two can play at that game, Cethin.”
“I’ve been thinking what you’re thinking almost every moment since I met you,” he responds.
A small shiver of desire travels through me at the idea. Later can’t come soon enough.
My stomach rumbles and he pulls his hand away from my leg. “You should eat.”
I nod. Though I have no idea how I’m going to be able to focus on food with some of the thoughts he’s put in my head.
Nervous excitement fillsme as I make my way to the sneezing gargoyle statue. At first, I wasn’t sure which one he meant, but when I passed it on the way to Ancient Runes earlier, I realisedexactlythe statue he meant.
My heart skips a beat the moment I see him standing by the statue.
He smiles at the sight of me and I hurry over. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me in a way that makes me feel like we’re the only people in the world.
“What do you have planned?” I ask when I pull back.
“Follow me, and you’ll find out.” He takes my hand in his and leads me down a corridor I don’t think I’ve ever been down before, only coming to a stop when we’re in front of what looks almost like a door, but could just be an oddly shaped crevice.
“Where are we?”
“You said you wanted a bed for the whole night, right?” A devious expression crosses his face.
“I did...”
He pushes open a door and gestures for me to head inside.
My curiosity is almost as high as my trust in him, and I slip past, making sure to brush against him as I do.
A small gasp escapes me as I step into a small room with blankets and pillows spread all over the floor.
“Cethin...” I turn around to find him looking at me with a surprising amount of hunger in his eyes. “You didn’t have to do this.”
He closes the door behind him and seals it with a quick spell. “Believe me, I wanted to.” He steps closer and pulls me into his arms.
“Where even are we?”
“One of the many secret rooms the academy has,” he responds. “Luckily for us, I knew someone who knew someone who told me where one was.”
“That’s a very complicated way of getting to spend time with me.”
“But it’ll be worth every minute.” His voice drops low. “We don’t have to leave until the morning.”
“I hope you don’t plan on sleeping much,” I murmur against his lips.
“Not even a little.” He kisses me deeply, unrestrained desire pouring from him in waves and permeating every part of me.
I pull away, but only so I can unbutton my shirt and drop it to the floor.
“I was planning on doing that,” Cethin says, his eyes flashing purple.