Page 52 of Sweet Revenge
Calling on his own magic, he decided to fight fire with fire. He’d initially wanted to snuff out Jeremiah’s fire with his own more powerful magic to take control of the flames, but what came out of him wasn’t normal fire magic. Instead, blue flames flared out from his palms, instantly destroying his brother’s fire magic until there was nothing left but wispy trails of smoke.
“Ice fire?” Jeremiah’s eyes widened in shock. “How the fuck do you have ice fire?”
Unsure how to answer that, Kingston just stared down at his own palms in wonder. Ice fire was an ancient magic that was rumored to only be accessible by the very strongest fire casters. It wasn’t ice in the normal sense, but a fire that was so cold it could freeze. He’d never actually known anyone who’d been able to use ice fire before, and it amazed him that he’d been able to call on it without even meaning to.
Unfortunately, that moment of distraction nearly cost him everything.
He sensed movement a heartbeat too late and barely glanced up in time to see the magical dagger Jeremiah had flung at him. He held out his hand, but his powers ricocheted away from the weapon, unable to stop it.
“I’m sorry, little goddess,”he whispered, waiting for the damn dagger to sink into his chest.
Before it could touch him, it was physically knocked away as Autumn teleported right in front of him holding his grandfather’s cane like a baseball bat. After knocking the dagger out of the way, she blasted Jeremiah with magic and dropped him to the ground, then she rounded on Kingston.
“You should be sorry,” she snapped, her glowing eyes narrowed as she glared at him.
“What in the world were you thinking getting distracted like that during a fight?”
“I didn’t—”
“You did!”
He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms with a smile of apology. “I’m sorry, little goddess,” he repeated, this time with a far different tone. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have gotten distracted.”
She thumped her fist against his chest, then leaned into his embrace. “No, you shouldn’t have. If I hadn’t borrowed your grandfather’s cane and come back—”
“But you did.” He glanced over her head at Jeremiah’s crumpled form on the ground. “Did you kill him?”
“I wanted to, but no.” She huffed out a breath. “I just temporarily bitch-slapped the crazy out of him with my revenge power.”
That made Kingston chuckle. “Is there any wonder why I love you so much?”
“You better,” she muttered against his chest.
Hugging her tight, Kingston allowed himself to relax against her. His nightmare was finally over, and now, he could fully embrace the future with his beautiful mate.
It was aperfect fall night in Mystic.
Autumn tilted her head back and let the cool breeze caress her face as she stared up at the cloudless night sky. The moon was full and there was a blanket of stars overhead. Their sparkling light created the perfect backdrop for the night’s event, though staring up at the inky blackness made her kind of miss the colorful sky of the Hell Realm.
The fitted bodice of the dress she was wearing glittered in the light as if it were covered with a million tiny diamonds, and the long flowing skirt was made with layers of bronze satin and ivory lace. Wearing the gorgeous gown, she felt like the goddess she had been chosen to be. She also felt a little like a bride, which was fitting since tonight was her and Kingston’s official mating celebration.
While she was dressed formally, she had opted to wear a pair of sparkling sneakers with comfort in mind. She’d left her long dark hair loose but had twisted two strands at the sides and pulled them back, securing them with a clip covered in shiny gems that matched her gown. However, nothing sparkled more than the princess cut diamond on her ring finger that her mate had given her the night before.
Even though they had their matching mating marks, she liked the human symbol of being married just as much as the magical one.
“No one can see your mating mark,” Kingston murmured as he slid his strong arms around her from behind. “And I like everyone knowing that you’re mine.”
She tapped the band of black diamonds she’d given Kingston with her fingernail. “I like everyone knowing you belong to me, too.”
Autumn turned in his arms and smoothed a hand down his chest, resting it right over his heart where her mating mark was located. He looked devastatingly handsome in a black suit, dress shirt, and tie. The monochrome look suited him perfectly, and she hoped there would be many more opportunities to see him dressed up in the future.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll wear a suit whenever you want me to.”
“Promises, promises,” she said with a little laugh. “We should get going, or we’re going to be late.”