Page 53 of Sweet Revenge
Even though the brisk breeze no longer bothered them, he created a bronze-colored cape and put it on her. “Let’s walk,” Kingston suggested. “I want more time alone with you before I have to be social.”
Autumn smiled up at him. “That sounds perfect.”
Taking her hand in his, they started down the path that led toward the Bazin pack land. They had barely made it out of their protection wards when suddenly Devlin and Miya appeared in front of them. Once again Devlin was wearing a three-piece suit, this time in the color of a ripe eggplant with a black shirt and tie. Miya was still dressed all in black, but with casual clothing instead of her leather-like armor.
Miya smiled in greeting. “You’re going to be late to your own party.”
“We’ll just call it being fashionably late,” Autumn said with a laugh.
Devlin slapped Kingston on the shoulder. “How does it feel to finally be free?”
It had only been a few days since they had captured Kingston’s brother, but a lot had already changed. The Supernatural Council had called a special meeting and had cleared Kingston of all the charges against him, finally placing the blame where it rightfully belonged.
Kingston had felt a deep sense of relief when they had declared Jeremiah guilty of all the charges against him. He wanted to say that he’d felt no pleasure in seeing his brother being hauled away in magical chains, but that would be a big, fat, fucking lie of epic proportions. The sheer joy he’d felt probably made him an asshole, but he didn’t care.
For years, Jeremiah had hidden his evil under a carefully constructed mask, and he’d taken great pleasure in causing Kingston’s pain and suffering. That went beyond sibling rivalries and family disputes. That was an animosity born of real hatred.
Jeremiah hadn’t been sorry about anything he had done.
He was just sorry he’d been caught.
Whether his actions had been influenced by mental illness or by all the dark magic he’d performed, it didn’t change the results. And as more evidence poured in about other horrible things he had done, there was no doubt that Jeremiah deserved to spend the rest of his life in the Supernatural Prison.
Nieman Irlis would also be doing some time in prison for his role in the whole sordid mess. While he hadn’t been working directly with Jeremiah, he had been selling prohibited spells to the public through the magical black market. He had also lied to cover it up, which had led to Kingston being convicted of the crimes he hadn’t committed. The way he had abused his position on the Supernatural Council was unforgivable, and it was only right that he be punished.
While that was no longer Kingston’s problem, he still had a vested interest in figuring out the magical dead zones and some of the other spells that Jeremiah had used from the Irlis grimoire. That spellbook had been given to Kingston as compensation for Nieman’s crimes against him. At first, he hadn’t wanted to take it, but Kingston and Autumn decided to use it to track down the people who had purchased those forbidden spells.
“It feels good,” Kingston answered honestly. “I’m glad people finally know I was innocent.”
Miya nodded. “Word had spread throughout the six realms about all of this. I doubt there is anyone that hasn’t heard the news.”
Kingston glanced down at Autumn with a smile. “Now, we can focus on helping other people get revenge and tracking down anyone using the spells from the grimoire.”
“Speaking of, Devlin and I did a full search of the administration building yesterday, and we did find a portal just like Lucifer had suggested,” Miya told them.
“Fuck, what is it doing in there?” Kingston asked. “Who created it?”
“Don’t know,” Devlin said. “But we left it there for now. It’s better to keep it under surveillance to see who is using it before we shut it down.”
“That makes sense. But we should warn Colt and—”
Kingston stopped talking and pulled Autumn to a stop at the same time Miya and Devlin turned to stare at the trees.
“What’s wrong?” Autumn asked, also scanning the area. She sensed something, but it didn’t feel like a threat.
Kingston’s hand tightened around hers as he raised his voice and called out, “Who’s there?”
“You must have a death wish if you think you can sneak up on us,” Devlin stated calmly.
A young woman stepped out of the shadows where she’d been hiding behind a tree, and she slowly came forward until she was standing several feet away. Dressed in faded jeans and a Trifecta University sweatshirt that was two sizes too big for her, she looked the part of a college student but seemed younger.
Perhaps that was due to the fact she had a gorgeous doll-like face with impossibly big gray eyes, a small nose, and a perfect bow mouth. Her long glossy black hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and she had a tattered messenger bag slung over one shoulder.
“I wasn’t sneaking, G-hole. I was waiting for you. Why else would I be out here in the middle of freaking nowhere?”
The dark vitriol in the young woman’s melodic voice startled Autumn enough that it made her want to laugh, but she bit her lower lip to stop herself.
Devlin’s rose brow. “G-hole?”