Page 49 of Rough Heat
Leo had become so accustomed to thinking of Josh and Damon asJoshandDamonthat it was a little strange, in the beginning of this whole ‘actually dating’ thing, to hang out with them individually.
In truth, the pair were incredibly different.
Josh had a social battery that ran five times longer than Damon’s, going out with friends often. He seemed to rejoice in having so much physical energy to use up now that he was healthy, and would often ask Leo out on little adventures.
Leo was more than happy to be taken around New York and see the city through Josh’s eager eyes.
“What’s this show called again?” Leo whispered as they sat in the theatre.
“Circus of Pleasure. It’s supposed to be, like, different acts and stuff. I think some of it isn’t exactly legal,” Josh replied far too casually.
“Wait, what does that mean?” Leo asked in alarm, but a hush fell over the large room as the lights dimmed.
Leo sat in half awe and half horror for the next hour as he watched acts such as a lady setting her pussy on fire and a man being fisted on a revolving platform.
“Is it supposed to be, like…an artistic statement?” Leo whispered, utterly befuddled.
“No, I think it’s just a man being fisted.”
“Oh. Okay. That makes sense,” Leo said, even though it very much did not make sense.
Josh practically skipped out of the building after the show was done with a, “Well,thatwas fun,” and then took Leo to dinner at a hole-in-the-wall vegan burger place.
Leo was caught up staring at Josh’s beautiful, round face, cheeks flushed and full now that he could put on some weight. Even when they finished their food and walked around hand-in-hand, Leo couldn’t take his eyes off him.
“What are you looking at?” Josh finally asked, grinning.
“Nothing. You. You look good,” Leo said simply.
Josh glowed. “I have an ass now,” he proclaimed, and a pair of Omegas passing them by laughed and said, “Hell, yeah!”
They ended up arriving home—or, well, at Josh and Damon’s place, although Leo was fully aware that he had practically moved in—late in the night. Damon was still up but, judging by his sleepy eyes, just barely. He smiled softly as they came in, grunting out a laugh as Josh jumped on him.
“You guys have fun?” he mumbled blearily, returning Josh’s kiss and then leaning back to get one from Leo.
“Yeah,” Josh enthused.
“We saw a guy getting fisted,” was what Leo had to say.
“Like…on the street?” Damon blinked.
Josh burst out laughing, Leo chuckling along. “Baby, come on. At the show.”
“Oh, okay. That makes total sense now,” Damon responded sarcastically.
“To be fair,” Leo said, “it actuallywouldhave been more normal to see that in a New York park than in a fucking theatre.”
Damon made aSee?gesture, but Josh was still giggling. “You guys should fist me someday,” was what he ended up contributing, which caused both Alphas to snap their mouths shut and Josh to crumble into laughter all over again.
It took a long fucking while to clean up later that night, what with the amount of times they’d made Josh come for that little comment.
Spending time alone with Damon was a completely different beast. Damon was a homebody through and through, and Leo was more than happy to just chill with him at the apartment.
Leo loved cooking with Damon, following his calm, careful instructions. He could have been a teacher in another life—didn’t micromanage or get frustrated with Leo if he didn’t pick things up right away.
They’d eat together and then cuddle on the couch, Damon picking some slow, artsy film and stroking Leo’s hair, arm over him possessively as they sprawled on the couch.