Page 50 of Rough Heat
They ended up making out endlessly a lot of the time, syrupy and sweet, Leo on Damon’s lap sometimes, or lying on his back on the couch with Damon braced over him, pressing him into the cushions. Leo and Damon had much higher sex drives than Josh, and they’d tumble into the room to fuck. There were times that Josh arrived midway, and it was always fun to have him join in, but it was also hot when he’d just watch, making appreciative noises as Leo got the life fucked out of him.
Sometimes, Damon took advantage of this and put on a show.
Damon leaned away from where he was kissing Leo on the bed. They’d moved there from the living room a while ago, but hadn’t progressed more than some heavy petting. “So…Josh is gonna be home soon.”
Leo had to blink a few times to get his brain online. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. And I was thinking…remember that toy we used the other week?”
How could Leo forget? Damon bought him a prostate massager and had tortured Leo with it until he was begging for mercy. Until he’d spilt without his cock being brushed, a sensation he’d never felt before.
Josh had pouted when Damon had teased him with a recount of the previous night’s activities, but it’d been too intense for Leo to relive so soon after.
Now, though, he had some idea where this was going, and excitement flared in his veins. “Yeah?”
“I was wondering if you’d be up for giving Josh a little surprise. Showing him how good you are.”
Leo shuddered. Those words, especially from Damon’s mouth, would never stop making him melt with heat.
As if they’d spoken the devil into life, the front door sounded. Josh was home.
Damon didn’t let his gaze falter, looking at Leo steadily. Leo knew with absolute certainty that there would be no disappointment in Damon’s eyes if he said no, but fuck if the idea of having Josh watch as Damon took him apart didn’t get Leo going.
“Yeah. That sounds…yeah.”
Damon smiled, kissing him again.
After a few seconds, Josh’s voice sounded. “Have I told you guys how much I love getting home and seeing you two all wrapped up?”
Leo turned his head as Damon sat up. “I think you’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
“Well, let me make it three times—I fucking love getting home and seeing you all wrapped up in each other.”
Damon snorted. “Hey, babe. You feel like joining in tonight?”
Josh raised his eyebrows. “Ooh, a formal offer. Do you have something special planned for me?”
“Yeah. I wanna show you how good Leo is,” Damon said.
“Well, I already knowthat,” Josh teased, crawling onto the bed and ducking to kiss Leo.
Leo could feel the blush burning his cheeks. “I mean—”
“Nope. Not a protest out of you, mister,” Josh said.
Leo huffed, but there wasn’t much he could say to that.
Damon climbed off him. “Why don’t you undress him while I get the toy box?” he said to Josh.
“Yes, sir,” Josh drawled, climbing onto Leo.
Leo laughed as Josh kissed his nose before he started stripping him. Leo made it difficult for him, pulling Josh down for more contact, humming with pleasure as Josh pinned him to the mattress.
“Behave,” Josh said mock-sternly.
Damon joined them. “Oh, he’s about to.”
Leo wiggled around as they undressed him, was panting and half-hard by the time they were finished.