Page 29 of Deadly Obsession
Beatrice sits straighter in her seat when I return. Her tightly clasped hands resting in front of her on the table as she tries to control her rising anger. “Was she really an old friend?”
“That’s none of your business,” I reply, then flash her a charming smile. “Just sit and look pretty. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”
My phone buzzes, and I jump at it, ignoring Beatrice’s tutting. If it’s Freddie, there could still be time… nope.
My heart sinks at seeing a text from my mother. The crushing disappointment is worse than the time she interrupted my first blowjob.
I bought a ring for you. Your driver has the box.
My driver catches my eye from the other end of the restaurant. He nods and taps his chest pocket. My eyes narrow. I ignore Beatrice’s objections and storm over to him.
“I believe you have something for me,” I demand, holding my hand out.
“Of course, sir,” he says smoothly, handing it over.
Beatrice’s beady eyes burn into my back. She’ll know what it is. I’d guess Mum has even shown it to her in advance—hell, they might have even gone ring shopping together.
I shield it from her view and open it.Holy fuck. A gigantic, dazzling diamond glitters from inside the velvet box. Glistening sapphires sparkle around the stone. The ring is fit for a queen, not for the claw of a greedy social climber like Beatrice.
I snap the box shut and stash it in my pocket. The ring won’t see the light of day again tonight. When, and if, I marry, I’ll choose love. Not obligation.
She texts again.
You know what to do.
I ignore her. This is typical. Like most other royals, she’s tried to control every aspect of my life since childhood, but this is a step too far—even for her.
When I sit down again, Beatrice is busy flicking through social media on her phone. A smug smirk crosses her face as she admires the photographs of us together filling up her feed. News travels fast in the digital age. Too fast.
Her expression sours when she sees me. “You could at least pretend you’re enjoying yourself.”
Rose was the last woman I took out to dinner. During our date, I had excited butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms from nervous anticipation, and was filled with worry about whether I was fucking it up. That’s the feeling I want to have.
“Here are your starters.” The waiter provides a reprieve, appearing with two soup bowls. “Wild truffle and smoked mushroom for you, Mr Montgomery. Tomato for—”
“I don’t like mushrooms,” I interrupt. I’m acting like a dick, and I know it.
“That’s fine, darling,” Beatrice steps in to temper my rudeness and dazzle him with a smile that resembles a gurning chihuahua. “We can swap.”
I don’t try the dish, dragging my spoon through the bowl to pass the time. They forced me to be here, but I don’t have to enjoy it.
“Aren’t you enjoying your soup?” Beatrice says, daintily sipping the liquid off the spoon like we’re having high tea.
I push the bowl away. “I’m not hungry.”
I check my watch. How many more courses do I have to endure?
After she’s finished, Beatrice dabs the corners of her mouth, then burps. My eyes widen in surprise, and I snort. Her cheeks turn a flaming red.
I raise my eyebrows. “What would my mother say?”
She jumps up from the table, holding the napkin to her mouth. “Excuse me, I…”
She races through the restaurant to the bathroom, shoving a few people out of her way to get there quicker.