Page 30 of Deadly Obsession
I guess it’s a good thing I had no appetite.
Her hair flows behind her like golden ribbons as she leaves the restaurant. No one would guess the hot blonde is a bloodthirsty assassin… and the bitch will lead me straight to Rose.
Not long now, princess.My cock twitches in excitement.I’m coming for you. I won’t have to deal with Freddie acting as a guard dog or Seb whining in my ear. I’ll find the woman who can bring all my fantasies to life—the woman who has made it impossible to get hard for anyone else—and make her mine.
I don’t rev too hard, avoiding drawing any unnecessary attention. I kick off from the road while Blondie hops back into the black car, and they set off.
Judging by no immediate sirens, I assume Seb’s still alive, but I’m not sticking around to make sure. There’s no point—if she wanted him dead, it’d already be too late to save him.
I know London roads like the back of my hand. I’m familiar with the city’s impatient drivers, angry beeping, and the cries of ‘move, wanker!’ through open windows. As much as I like the remote Scottish Highlands, the capital has its charm.
I weave through the streets, travelling by back roads to avoid being seen while keeping them in my vision. They’re not driving erratically or taking strange turns like they know I’m following, but I can’t take any chances. I know better than that.
When I worked for Torean, he sent me on various run-around jobs: tailing people, collecting evidence, and delivering punishments. My vehicle of choice then was a black cab that helped me blend in.
Where are you going, Blondie?
We pass the pub where I saw Rose and her agent pal the night we fucked for the first time. We’re close to the Dukes’ base now. The Killers Club has been right under our noses all along.
The traffic lights change to red as I reach the front of the queue. I watch their car stop outside a townhouse.
I can’t lose them, but I’ll bet their place is hooked into more cameras than Scotland Yard. They can’t catch wind that I’m onto them. I decide to do a loop and see whether they are still there on my return. Losing them is a risk, but I follow my gut.
A twisted grin spreads over my face when I come back to see they haven’t moved.
I’ve got you.
Blondie and her tattooed boyfriend, who I had the pleasure of meeting outside the Conservatory, are oblivious to my presence. They stroll into the house together without a care in the world.
They think they’re the predators, but they’re being hunted. Tracking them down wasn’t as difficult as I expected it to be. All I had to do was get rid of the dead weight holding me back…
Bram is holding back, refusing to comply. Two days have passed, and all he’s done is write brief notes. A few sentences at best. He’s told me nothing I don’t already know about the Dukes. When will Alaric take me off babysitting duty and give me a proper job?
I sigh, wondering how many more hours I’m going to waste down here. Thankfully, Bram has been given fresh clothes and permission to wash regularly, so I’m spared the misfortune of being around someone who reeks.
“Look,” I try to bargain with him, “you’re going to need to give me more than that.”
He slides a note underneath the door. It’s a lovely drawing of a cock and balls, complete with throbbing veins and a drop of cum spurting from the tip.
“Real fucking mature,” I retort, screwing it up and hurling it down the corridor. “You’re not taking me seriously.”
I can’t see him, but I imagine he’s snickering. I stand and open the hatch to look into his cell. He’s leaning against the brick wall casually. Since he’s been here, his dark hair has grown, and he’s sporting a beard. It suits him. His muscled arms flex as he turns in my direction. They’re covered in traditional tattoos that have faded from many hours spent in the sun, but it makes them look like part of his skin instead of colourful stickers. The owl around his neck holds him in a permanent chokehold.
I imagine my hands smothering the owl as Bram’s lips curve into a mischievous grin. He gets happier the more annoyed I get. At least one of us is having a good time.
“If you haven’t noticed, you’re a fucking prisoner,” I hiss. “Do you want me to take you back to the torture room again?” I look at his hands and the nail beds, still recovering from my last attack. “I can tear off more of your fingernails quicker than a wax strip.”
He shrugs and extends his arms, wiggling his fingers in my direction as if to saybe my guest.
“Alaric was right to cut out your tongue.” I scowl. “You sure are a sarcastic fucker.”