Page 14 of Daniel's King
“Richard, I know I’m not your dad, but I love you like a son. You sitting there and telling us that you are gay makes no difference whatsoever. The only thing I will ask is to be careful. If you only met this Daniel last night, are you sure he is who he says he is? I’m not saying you shouldn’t go ahead; we just don’t want to see you hurt.”
I could understand what he was saying. It had happened so fast. I had only met him last night, but I was already in love with him. Nothing would change that. I didn’t want to wait any longer; I was sure he was the right man for me.
“I know it’s soon, but I love him, Arthur, and he loves me. I don’t want to hide anymore, and I want to be with him.”
“As long as you are sure and careful, that is all your mum and I ask. Just remember we are both always here for you. Please don’t think you have to hide anymore.”
Today couldn’t have gone any better. Everyone I had spoken to had accepted who I was, hadn’t been surprised about my sexuality, and had been almost relieved that I had finally told them. I just had to tell the rest of the team now.
I got up from my chair and walked over to Arthur. He stood up and embraced me like a father would his son. I couldn’t be happier that Mum had finally accepted him, and that he accepted me.
“Thank you, Arthur.”
“There is no need to thank me. I always wanted a son of my own, and I would happily have you as my son if you’ll have me as your dad?”
I looked at him and smiled. If I’d had the chance to choose who I wanted as a father in my life, it would have always been Arthur. For so many years, he had been there for me and Mum. He may have been watching from afar, not wanting to take the step of asking my mum out, but he was always there nevertheless.
“Thanks, Dad.”
Then we were both engulfed in the arms of my mum, who had tears pouring down her face.
“I’m so lucky to have you both in my life. Now, why don’t you stay for dinner, Richard? I haven’t spent enough quality time with you. We can catch up and you can tell me all about this dreamboat of a man you have met.”
And just like that, I was accepted. Accepted as a son to both my mum and Arthur, and accepted as a homosexual man. Life was looking up, but little did I know the plans the universe had for me and Daniel.
Chapter Nine
Life seemed so much better now that I had admitted everything to Richard. The fact that Jayden had agreed to take on my case lifted a weight from me that I hadn’t realised was there.
I was on cloud nine. I knew things had happened so quickly between me and Richard, but it felt so right. Knowing he wasn’t a complete virgin had eased my worries, but sleeping with a woman was completely different than a man. Not just in the mechanics, but the feelings you had for each other.
Like Richard, I had tried to be the person everyone expected me to be, but it had ended the same way: with me realising that I felt nothing for the woman I was with. I was going through motions that almost seemed alien to me. It just didn’t feel right. I just had to use that experience to guide Richard through the feelings he was having. Help him to understand and feel what it was like when you were with someone you loved.
I’d thought I had been in love before, but unfortunately, my past relationships weren’t meant to be. Always “it’s not you, it’s me.” In some cases, I was sure they were just experimenting with their sexuality. Like my father said, following the fad that it was cool to be gay or bisexual. But when it came down to it, they were far from it, leading to many a frustrating night for me. I knew I had some of those coming up as I helped Richard let go of his insecurities. However, that was a price I was willing to take for his love and the life we could have ahead of us.
I knew he would be worried about going to see his mum. I could imagine him sitting there now in his car, outside of the house, debating with himself whether he wanted to tell her or not. I knew I needed to give him a little push in the right direction. I got my phone out and sent him a message, one I hoped would put his mind at rest. I was sure that his mum would accept him, unlike my parents. They seemed close from what he had said to me, unlike me and my family. It wasn’t long before I received a message back.
Thank you, Daniel.
I can’t believe that you already know what to say to give me the strength I need.
Love you too!
I was glad he’d chosen to use the name he had chosen last night. He would forever be my Romeo, but I wasn’t so sure I could be his Juliet. Cross-dressing had never been my thing, though I did love to see a good drag act every now and again.
Sending him a message that we would talk later to find out how things went, I decided that for the first time in a week, I would go home, even if it was just to pick up a few clothes to head back to the hotel tonight. I got into my car and headed over to my house in Kingston-Upon-Thames. I’d owned the house for a little while in the Coombe Park area. It was totally in my name, and I had made sure that it had been excluded from the contract that had been drawn up. It was a seven-bedroom detached house with a gated driveway, swimming pool, gym, cinema room, and beautifully landscaped garden.
I pulled up in the driveway, noticing that unfortunately, Katherine’s car was there. I walked up to the front door and let myself in and was greeted by Katherine walking past me with basically nothing on. It was obvious to me that either her lover had just left or was just about to turn up. She was standing there looking at me with an annoyed look on her face in a see-through red negligée, thong, stockings, and high heels, leaving nothing to the imagination. Any red-blooded man would have taken her right there and then, but it did nothing for me.
“What are you doing home?”
I rolled my eyes at her. We were going to have the same conversation we always had whenever I came home.
“As I have said before on many occasions, this happens to be my house. I own it, not you. I have just as much reason to be here as you. Why? Are you expecting your lover? Or has he just fucked you and left?”