Page 15 of Daniel's King
I could see the anger appear in her eyes. We were going to go through it all again.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I am not having an affair? What would I gain out of it except a divorce? The next eight months can’t come soon enough for me. Being married to a gay man isn’t exactly how I saw my life going.”
“Yet you seem to be coping very well, Katherine. And as for you not having someone in your life, what normal woman walks around the house dressed like that at four o’clock in the afternoon, unless they are expecting a booty call?”
She flew towards me, but I caught her hand before she could slap me.
“I fucking hate you, Daniel! I can’t believe I allowed my father to make me marry you. Not once have you ever shown me any affection!”
“Why the fuck should I? I don’t love you and never have. I let you live your life the way you want to. The only thing I asked was for you to be faithful to the vows we made on our wedding day. I know I have been. Can you look me straight in the eyes and say you haven’t slept with a man during our marriage, because I know I can. Manorwoman.”
I saw the guilt come across her face. I knew she would never be able to answer that truthfully. If she said she had never slept with a man throughout our marriage, then it would be a lie. I just had to prove that, and I had done something about it.
I let go of her wrist; she immediately rubbed it with her other hand. I knew that I hadn’t held her very tightly. I would never have knowingly hurt anyone, including the woman standing in front of me, whom I loathed. I had kept my anger under wraps all the time I had been speaking to her, but I could feel it building inside me the more I looked at her. I needed to know if she could answer that one question.
“Well, Katherine? Can you stand there and look me in the eye and tell me you haven’t slept with countless men over the years? Or even just one?”
I could see the guilt she had been feeling quickly turning to anger again. I wasn’t quick enough this time to stop the slap that came across my face, the stinging sensation only adding to the anger I was feeling.
“How dare you, Daniel? I have never slept with a man all the time I have been married to you.” Still, she wouldn’t look me in the eyes and say it.
“I guess I have my answer. Don’t worry, Katherine. I’ll make sure you get exactly what you deserve in the divorce settlement.”
I walked away from her and went to my bedroom. I was going to take enough clothes for at least two weeks; I wouldn’t be coming back here until everything was settled if I could help it. I really didn’t care what she took from the house. Even if she burned it down, it could be replaced, but I was sure that even she was that vindictive. I grabbed my case from the wardrobe and my suit holder and filled it with enough clothes to get me through for a while. I walked back into the lobby and heard crying coming from the living room. Katherine always knew how to put on a show. Crocodile tears—that was all they were. I knew I should just walk past and leave her there, but I was always a gentleman, and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t check on her.
I stepped into the living room and saw her sitting on the settee, still in her garish outfit, with tears pouring down her face.
“I won’t be home for a few weeks, so you have the run of the house. Just remember that there are eyes everywhere. If you have anyone here, I will know about it. Including your ex-fiancé, Kevin Wright. Don’t think I haven’t already seen his comings and goings, Katherine. And don’t think I’m stupid enough to think that he is just a friend keeping you company, because a friend wouldn’t dress the way you are now.”
She looked up at me with a shocked expression on her face. She knew now that I had seen the countless times he had come to the house. She got up from the settee and walked over to me.
“Daniel, I do love you. I was hoping you would come home this evening, which is why I was wearing this. For you.”
She got up from her seat and sauntered over to me. As she closed the gap between us, she started to plaster her body over mine. It was sickening, the depths she would go to in order to get what she wanted in life. Every touch repulsed me. I couldn’t take it much more, especially when she came in and tried to kiss me. I pushed her away.
“Katherine, are you really that shallow? You have never loved or even liked me. This show might fool the other men you have been with, but it doesn’t fool me. I suggest you contact your ex-fiancé, because you are going to need somewhere to stay soon, as it isn’t going to be here. You will be hearing from my solicitor soon.”
I turned grabbed my bags and headed toward the front door. I could hear her pleading in the background, begging me not to do anything silly. That she was sorry. What for, I had no idea, because she would never admit to her infidelity.
I wasn’t going to listen, though. I was done with her and done with our marriage. I was only looking forward now, and my future only involved one person. One man. My Romeo. I just needed to get through the next few weeks to get there.
Chapter Ten
I’d just about managed to hide away when Daniel walked into the house. He hardly came home now, and when he did, it was usually quite late in the evening. It had shocked Katherine when she received a notification that someone was coming up the driveway. Katherine thought I had left completely, but our conversation wasn’t finished, so I had decided to wait around. I was seething when I’d heard that she had booked in for an abortion.
How could she kill our child? Just because when the child was born, she would still be married to Daniel, she said she couldn’t keep it.
It wasn’t my fault she forgot her pill prescription and wasn’t covered. That was on her, not me. But killing an unborn child told me exactly where her priorities lay. They lay solely with Katherine Cooper as she was now. She’d had no intentions of ever marrying me, I suspected. She was just using me to get at her parents. All the talk of,don’t worry, I will make sure you are looked after and you will be running my father’s business soon, it was all a lie. One just to continue to give her what she needed. The one thing her husband wouldn’t.
I kind of felt sorry for Daniel. He was truly fucked over with this arrangement, although from what I had read of the contract that was drawn up, he was not stupid. He had made it quite clear what was expected of Katherine. Just a shame that she hadn’t kept her side of the bargain.
If I hadn’t been so desperate to get revenge on her parents, I would have probably sent him the videos of us together. They certainly made for good watching, if I did say so myself. They would keep me going for a long while after she was gone from my life. The countless hours of me banging his wife every week would make excellent porno films, especially as never once did you see my face. Only ever hers and what I was doing to her.
I had to admit that was one thing that she was good at: opening her legs. She was an awesome fuck. I’d never had any complaints about her. She was always so receptive to my touch and willing to do almost anything in the bedroom. I was sure we’d been through most of the Kama Sutra at some point or another. I just couldn’t get enough of her. But that was going to come to an end soon, if I had my way. So then I would just move on to the next and remind myself of what I once had by watching the videos over and over again. I guessed I would just have to add them to my wank bank.
I could hear the argument Katherine and Daniel were having from my hiding place. She was putting up a good fight, but she would never win. Daniel was far too clever to believe her lies, especially saying that she wanted him. It made me sick to think she was coming onto a man that would never love her. She might have been gorgeous, and most men would have fallen at her feet, but not Daniel. He was more likely to fall at my feet than hers. The only reason she wanted to get him to sleep with her was to try to frame him as the father of her child. I had warned her what I would do if she got an abortion. I’d told her that I would give Daniel everything, but after her little display, I wanted more. I wanted everything, and this gave me the perfect opportunity to do it.