Page 67 of Calavera Society
When I compose myself, I sigh, “That was hilarious, Roberto. Let me tell you how it’s really going to be, yeah? You’re going to leave Noah alone, no matter what he takes from you. If he wants your fucking house, you’ll give it to him, and he’ll owe you shit in return. Why? Because, pop, I own this motherfucking town and everyone in it. That includes you and every other misogynistic cunt in the council.”
Valeria–” he hisses like I’m going to tremble in fear.
“Nah,mira, papa. I don’t give two fucks how important you’ve convinced yourself you are, just remember who the I am, and it’s a hell of a lot more powerful than you. I’m only going to say this once, I answer to no one because it'smewho was forced to be here. I didn’t beg to attend this pretentious college or live in this fake ass town. I’m the one holding the cards becauseyouneedme. You think you’re the king? No, daddy, I am.”
My father growls into the phone like a madman, probably wishing I were there so he can backhand me like he used to. My smile widens.
Noah steps from his car, his eyes on me as I discreetly wipe a stray tear. He hesitates for a second before turning around and walking away. I don’t blame him. It seems he’s always picking up after me. Cleaning up the mess I continuously find myself in and what did I give him in return? Accusations and a fucking attitude.
“Your behavior will make everyone pay for it; your best friend, your new girlfriend, yourmother.”
I suck in a gasp at my father’s veiled threat, “Estas a pañando chivo.”You’re out of line.
“The only one who is out of line is you, Valeria. I suggest you get back in it like the obedient girl I raised you to be.”
He hangs up before I can retort.
I growl and yank my satchel from the passenger seat, shoving keys inside and yanking the strap over my shoulder, all while mumbling a series of Spanish and English curses.
“Whoa, who pissed in your cereal?” Rina’s voice makes me freeze.
I’m about to whirl around and knock thissuciaon her ass when I think better of it.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, such a cliché, but no less true.
I let go of the breath I was holding and turn toward her while keeping my emotions in check. I decide to let the anger I feel for her and the balls she has to even speak to me be used in my irritation for my father. Besides, it is all his fucking fault I’m here dealing with thischavala.
“It’s just one of those mornings I guess.”
She eyes me for a moment, probably trying to see if I know about her shitty two-timing act the other night, but I just shrug and start walking toward the main building where I see students lined up in front of tables that have been brought out for sign ups and class information.
Today is a simple syllabus day, and since I already know my major, I just need to sign-up for the classes.
Rina catches up to me, the unbuckled straps of her boots clicking with each hurried step. I glance over at her and catch a glare in her eye before she quickly covers it up. If I didn’t know what a sorry piece of shit, she is I would have thought I made it up.
“Have you signed up for your classes?” I ask her as I look down my nose at her. I may want to keep her close to fuck with her and feed her false information, but that doesn’t mean I have to treat her with friendliness. Hell, for all she knows, I’m only nice when I drink.
“I, I mean, yeah, I have. It's just, well, I don’t have many friends and I figured since we chilled the other night—”
“Ritual night, right?” I interrupt her as I stop behind a few of the students lined up at a table marked for General Courses.
“Well, yeah. I mean unless we met before that, and I don’t remember…”
I scan the crowd as she trails off waiting for me to reply, but I’m already having a difficult time not smashing this cunt’s nose, so I’m not about to answer half-assed questions. If she wants something from me, I’m going to make her ask for it.
Humility would look nice on her and I’m all too happy to dress her in it.
When she doesn’t elaborate, I turn to her and arch a brow.
She bites her lip before sighing, “I was just hoping you’d let me hang with you.”
I smirk at her, loving how uncomfortable she is. I don’t know if it’s because she had to askmeof all people to be her friend, or because of my cold, unfriendly demeanor. Either way works for me.
“Sure, you can tag along. It’s not like I know anyone here anyway.”
She nods and visibly relaxes, going back to the cool and uncaring bitch I met the other night. We move up the line, neither of us talking despite her pretty little show of being a lost puppy. It makes me wonder if she’s only doing the bare minimum of whatever Rey told her to do. I can picture his full lips in a straight line as he glares at her, moving sinfully as he demands her to be my friend and make sure I don’t do or say anything that can ruin his precious plans for world domination.
God, I hate him.