Page 68 of Calavera Society
I still wanna fuck him though.
Finally, I’m at the front of the line, Two-Time Rina still beside me as I smile at the cute guy sitting behind the table. His eyes widen as he takes me in. My face heats as I wet my lips.
“Hi, I’m Valeria Calavera.”
Rina scoffs beside me, “Dude is looking at you like you’re La Muerte’s daughter. I think he knows who you are.”
The guy quickly schools his face and fumbles with the paperwork in front of him while I turn a glare to Rina, snapping in her face.
“One thing you need to know about me is this—do not disrespect someone who doesn’t warrant it. It’s not impressive and I don’t put up with flattery in the form of bullying,comprendida?”
Her back straightens and her eyes flare menacingly at being spoken to in such a way, but I don’t give two fuck yous. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t put up with bullshit. I make sure motherfuckers aren’t comfortable talking shit or bullying someone in front of me.
“I apologize. It won’t happen again.”
I smirk down at her, realizing thisputacan’t leave my side no matter how much I fuck with her, Rey’s got a tight leash on her…I may not be cool with fucking with an underdog, but no one said anything about bullying the bully.
Turning back to the guy, my smirk turns sweet as I whisper conspiratorially to him, “Besides, I am La Muerte’s daughter.”
His cheeks heat but his laughter is what warms me. It’s rich, deep and confident despite the flush of embarrassment on his handsome face. Rina huffs next to me before looking down at her phone and mumbling that she’ll catch up with me later.
“Aw, c’mon, Rina, don’t run off. I thought we were homies, or are you too busy being someone’s little bitch?”
She stops and whirls around, her face red and the facade of friendship completely gone. I’m finally meeting the girl she really is beneath the act, my skin pebbles with adrenaline as she stomps back to me like she’s going to scare me.
I smile as she gets within reach of me. Her arm lifts like she’s going to deliver a slap, but I block it before grabbing the chain around her neck and slamming her down onto the table. The cute guy leans back in his chair as a crowd of students surround us, but I ignore the whispers and catcalls.
“Si, carbona. I know all about your little stunt.”
She swings and kicks, but I ignore it all, my anger at everything blocking any pain I should be feeling as I grab her jaw in one hand while still holding her chain. I lift her a little before slamming her back down, the table groaning in protest.
“I will break every little fucking bone in your body, and if the word on the street is to be believed, no one will miss you. I suggest you stay away from me.” Her lips are squished in my hand, her arms and legs no longer flailing.
I lean in further, my eyes bouncing between both of hers, “I’m thatrucayou don’t fuck with.”
I pull her up and shove her away from me, a look of disgust on my face as she stumbles backward. My fingers left angry red splotches on her face that I know will turn into bruises.
“You made a big mistake.” she growls, trying to save face in front of everyone still watching us.
“Yeah, I fucking doubt that. Now run back to your master and let him know you failed.”
Noah appears out of thin air, stepping in front of Rina with his strong, wide, muscular back facing me. He runs a hand through his hair and by the fearful step Rina takes backward, I know he’s giving her a look that promises pain.
Man or woman, Noah will cut a hoe down if that person fucks with him and his.
“You heard my girl, vete ya cabrona.”Get the fuck out of here, dumb bitch.
When she runs off, Noah turns and walks over to me. Neither of us acknowledge our fight earlier, we just continue on like we always do. That’s what me and Noah are, tighter than the Church and its priest.
* * *
Through the tendrils of smoke,I watch as Valeria shoves Rina away from her and I can’t stop my cock from hardening at the beauty of her dominance. In Coventry, girls are raised to be trophy wives, which means they’re taught to act like a lady. A lady doesn’t strike with her hands, she lashes with her words. Rina is the exception apparently. Still, she has no clue how to even slap someone. What a pathetic display from such a powerful family and I’ll be sure to let her know just how weasel-like she looked just now.