Page 18 of Crash & Burn
She knew I lost my job and that I tossed the money, I called her right after it happened. But she didn’t know that I went back to apply for a job.
When I got home from Sara’s last night, there was a hefty hospital bill waiting for me in the mail. It just solidified how badly I need this job and how maybe throwing away that money wasn’t the smartest decision I’ve made, but what’s done is done. Hopefully, someone who needs it even more than me finds it and can benefit from it.
“Wait, your boss is Callan David?” she interrupts me mid-story, as if I was supposed to know who he was beforehand.
“Yeah?” I question. “Why?”
“I’ve heard of him. Some girl I work with told me that they fucked. Said he’s like, the biggest dick she’s ever had, and it made up for the fact that he’s like, a huge player. She was pissed when he never texted her back.” Dakota sips on her drink. I don’t know why, but I feel kind of disappointed. Of course, other women find him attractive, and at the end of the day, he’s my boss and his personal life is none of my business.
“Is he as hot as they all say?” she asks, sitting on the edge of her seat. “I heard he’s impressive in bed.”
I just shrug my shoulders and change the subject. I no longer want to talk about my new boss and his big dick.
It’s already Monday and I’m nervous as hell. I pull on a pair of blue jeans and the nicest shirt I own. It’s a blue top with ruffled layers over the front and butterfly sleeves. I slip on a pair of black flats and head to the bathroom to fix my face. I curl my hair in loose waves and swipe on a couple of layers of mascara to accentuate my long, blonde lashes.
I’m not sure why I was disappointed when Dakota told me what she knew. I shouldn’t have expected anything less. It’s not like we’re dating, and I’m sure he doesn’t even see me like that, I’m young, dumb, and broke. And he can probably pull any girl he pleases, so why would he want me?
I step outside and walk down to the bus stop. It’s nice outside, one of those days where I don’t mind walking to get to public transportation. I have to get accustomed to not having a car now that I can’t afford one.
I take a seat at the bus bench, listening to the traffic fly by on the highway across the street. I don’t live far from the dealership, about twenty minutes away if I’m driving.
Downtown Golden is usually busy but it’s still pretty quiet this morning and is a beautiful, small town right off the highway that encompasses the base of the mountains. My childhood home was about two hours outside of the city, but even from that far, we still had a beautiful mountain view. It makes me sad knowing none of my family lives in that house anymore.
Last I heard, my mom and brother have since moved to Utah for a job opportunity my brother received. He always seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do with his life, and he handled the situation with my mom differently than I did. I guess you can say he’s a better human than I am.
My phone chimes in my pocket, I pull out my phone to see Dakota has texted.
I forgot to tell you yesterday. Dress code for my bday is BLACK. Like, eat your soul out, sexy and dark!
I chuckle at her text and I’m glad she sent it because I’d almost forgotten that her birthday party is this Friday. I don’t like to complain, but she has to know I have nothing in my closet to fit her party theme, and it’s not like I could go shopping for a new outfit. I’ve got ninety-nine problems and money is literally all of them.
Shopping later?
I text back, in hopes that I can find something to wear.
I’ve been sitting on the bench for about ten minutes when a black sedan slowly pulls up across the street. An older gentleman in an all-black suit and flat cap steps out from the driver’s door and crosses the street to approach me.
“Miss Cooper?” he asks.Who the hell is this man and how does he know my name?
I’m careful to answer.
“Who wants to know?” I grip my keychain a bit harder making sure that he knows I have pepper spray.
“Mr. David has sent me.” He walks around to the back door on the driver's side and opens it. He motions me to get inside.Mr. David?I think.
He notices that I am confused and corrects himself.
“Forgive me. Callan David. He wanted to ensure you’d be on time for your first day at the dealership.” I knew who he was talking about the first time, but I just didn’t understand.
I look at the man. I’m a bit anxious to get into his car, I mean, why would Callan send a car for me?
I get up from the bench and proceed to the car. “How do I know you’re not going to kidnap me?” I ask him before trusting to get in.
“Because, Mr. David has asked that I see to your safety in getting to the dealership as my top priority today.” He shows a slight smirk my way before gesturing to the car door, clearly bemused by my sass.
“He did?” I ask, trying not to sound too eager. Maybe it’s a thing he does to seduce women or something. Offer his chivalry before he takes them captive and feeds off them for days. I laugh to myself at the thought. Stop being ridiculous, he’s not some kind of vampire.Maybe he really is just being a gentleman. But I’m not that easily swayed.
“No thanks,” I decline. I don’t need him to throw private drivers in my face. I just want to get to work like a normal person.