Page 19 of Crash & Burn
“Oh. I’m sorry, Miss. But I was asked to bring you to the dealership,” the old man says again. And I feel bad, he seems nice. But I don’t need to be taken anywhere. I’ve seen enough horror films to know that this could be my last car ride ever.
“What’s your name?” I question him.
“Gerald. My name is Gerald. I’m the family’s driver.”
Driver? Well, that tells me a lot right there. Callan is a rich boy with family money which means he’s probably a huge asshole.Great.
“Well, Gerald. With all due respect, you can tell Mr. David that I’d like to take the bus to work. Your services aren’t needed.” I sit back down on the bench with a proud smile on my face.
I notice Gerald get on his phone; he’s talking but I can’t hear what he’s saying. He hangs up the phone and next thing I know, my phone is ringing.
And what do you know…it’s Callan.
I look at Gerald who shrugs his shoulders at me, then gets back into his car to give me privacy as I decide to answer the phone.
“Yes?” I mutter with as much sass as I can muster.
“Miss Cooper. I do not find it amusing that you’re making my driver jump through hoops to get you to work,” he says, I can tell he’s annoyed. I pace up the sidewalk, gathering my thoughts.
“Well, I don’t find itamusingthat you’re making your driver come all this way to pick up a very capable woman to fulfill whatever reputation you think you need to uphold,” I snap back at him, not realizing that I just insulted my new boss and that I also defended myself so boldly. That’s really unlike me.
“My reputation, Miss Cooper, is running a successful business first. Whatever else you think is going on, other than me trying to get my newly hired assistant to her first day on the job safely seeing as she has no car currently, would be incorrect. And I highly recommend you think twice about turning poor old Gerald away. Look at him,” he says as my eyes instantly are drawn back to Gerald, stands patiently leaning against his car.
“What has he done to you to deserve your rejection?” Callan’s voice is firm, steady, and silky smooth.Snap out of it.I nearly forget why I was frustrated in the first place. But I look over at his driver who has a small smile on his face, and suddenly feel guilty. Gerald did nothing wrong, and neither did Callan. Besides, a free ride will save me some money.
Just as I’m about to respond to Callan, another car comes zooming down the street. The car speeds around Gerald’s and hits a puddle of water pooling at the corner of the curb right in front of where I’m standing. In the blink of an eye, I’m splashed with dirty, melted, snow water. My outfit is soaked, water dripping from my chin. Poor Gerald looks at me apologetically, like it was all his fault.
Just my luck.
“You’re right,” I respond with a huff of a shaky breath. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Gerald and I will be there soon.” I look down at my bra, now on full display beneath my drenched blouse. “But I’m going to be late.” I hang up the phone abruptly.
Gerald steps out of the car and re-opens the backseat door for me.
“Mind taking me home, first?” I ask, embarrassed, but he nods at me knowingly.
We arrive at the dealership and Gerald leads me up to the front doors.
“Have a good day, Miss Cooper,” he tells me.
“I’m sorry for earlier,” I apologize.
“Don’t worry about it, Miss Cooper.” He simply nods at me and walks away.
The lobby is thriving with clients, most of them in sleek outfits that look like they cost more than my rent. I look back down at what I changed into, a new pair of skinny jeans and white blouse with a black blazer I borrowed from Dakota’s closet, but I feel defeated already. My hair is flat, my shoes are uncomfortable and I’m wearing someone else’s clothes.
I slowly step inside, not really knowing where to go, then I recognize Cora. She stands at the receptionist's desk holding the phone with her shoulder, while her fingers type furiously on the keyboard. She’s like, really pretty. And I immediately wonder if her and Callan have ever…Ugh, no! What am I thinking? Who cares?Besides, he said he doesn’t date coworkers.
I walk up to the desk and wait for her to notice me. I feel like everyone is staring at me, immediately making me even more nervous. A job like this is so different to me. I’ve known two things, making lattes and babysitting. I didn’t even apply for this job; I have no clue what it could entail. My palms start to sweat, and heat burns in my cheeks.
“Can I help you?” Cora briefly looks up at me, hanging up the phone but continuing to type. I can tell by the look on her face that she recognizes me but really doesn’t want to.
“I’m here for my first day and I’m not sure where to go,” I offer patiently, but she looks back at me with annoyance.
Without any response, she rolls her eyes and gets on the phone. “Callan, your new hire is here. Yeah. Nope. I don’t know. Okay.” She hangs up the phone.
“You can head back to the office.” She waves behind her.
As I make my way to the offices, I look around at the staff. They all look sophisticated and attractive, like they know what they’re doing. I feel completely out of place.