Page 61 of A Fighting Chance
Look for me in Josiah’s smile.
Look for me in your memories.
And keep me close to your heart.
Then, when you find love again, you’ll know it’s right because all around you, you’ll feel that I never truly left. That I’m still right there by your side.
I promised to love you forever, and no matter how that needs to happen, that’s what I intend to do. In life or death, I will always be your one and only.
Eesh, I love you.
And I’m sorry.
- Curtis
She held in a gasp.
Finally, she heard his voice.
Finally, they weren’t only words on a page.
Joel turned around. “Hey, I didn’t even hear you come in. We missed you. By the way, Theo threw up a little earlier, and he felt a bit warm. Then I noticed him tugging on his ears, and I remembered he gets ear infections a lot.”
She swallowed, words trying to form.
“Since you gave Gage and Tayler the authority to make medical decisions for the boys, I called them, and they talked to Theo’s pediatrician. Then, get this, the pediatrician made a house call, which I didn’t know doctors still did. He sent a script in, and I took the boys with me to pick it up. We got there like five minutes before the pharmacy closed and just back about ten minutes ago.”
Joel ticked his head at the stove.
“Oh, and I made dinner, if you haven’t eaten anything. I noticed you had a couple of jars of pasta sauce, and my Nonna’s probably rolling in her grave, but I made half-homemade spaghetti and meatballs. If you give me a minute, I’ll heat it up for you. Do you want garlic bread?”
Both boys were in their pajamas.
The kitchen was immaculate.
Josiah’s backpack was on its peg, and the cubby above it was open, which they did when he finished his homework and needed her to sign his log to say she’d checked it.
Hands trembling, she walked over, opened the folder, and there was Joel’s signature on the line right after hers.
The signature blurred.
“Ma?” She felt Josiah’s presence next to her. “Why are you crying? Did you have a bad day at the office?”
“And Theo’s okay,” Joel added. “The pediatrician said it’s the usual, and I made sure you wouldn’t have anything to worry about except him getting better.”
Josiah peered up into her face. “I love you, Ma. Ma, I love you.”
She pulled him close and bent, placing her cheek on top of his head. “I love you, Josiah. Josiah, I love you.”
“Are you sad?”
“I’m not sad.”
“Are these your happy tears?”
“Yes, these are my happy tears.”