Page 4 of Exposed
“You could say that.” I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
“What do you think happened?” His emphasis is so soft, it could almost be missed, but I love him a little bit for stressing the ‘you’ and not the ‘think’.
“I could hear…thoughts. The thoughts of others.”
“Such as?”
“I don’t know! Maybe the guy I was with…” Just suggesting that makes me feel sick. “Or some bad people. I don’t know. There weren’t any people around us, but it didn’t sound like my date.”
“How do you know they were bad people?”
“From what they were thinking. It,” I hesitate, “wasn’t very nice.”
“I see. And you just said you weren’t in a busy place with lots of people around?”
“No. It was remote. Just the two of us. We were on a boat out at sea.”
“Okay. So what makes you think it was other people you were hearing, and not your date?”
“Their voices were different.”
“The thoughts you hear have different…tones? Registers? Voices?”
I nod. “I know it sounds cra—”
“Malia—” he warns.
“Okay! Sorry. But yes. As different as yours and my real voices.”
“Okay. What happened next, Malia?”
“We were attacked,” I tell him confidently, even as pain begins to bloom behind my eyes. I frown, rub them and try to focus on the doctor’s face on my screen.
“Attacked how?”
“I…” I hesitate.What did happen? Why can’t I remember?“I don’t know. There was a shower of green…sparks I think, and an explosion? I remember the boat rocking and everything went black.”
I frown.That doesn’t sound right. Does it?
“What do you remember after that?”
“Waking up back in my room, emailing you, taking more meds and falling back to sleep.”
With a headache, pain across my chest and a cut above my right eye that I have no idea how it got there. What the hell happened?
“I see.” The doctor sighs, looking torn.
He thinks I’m crazy.
“Malia,” the way he says my name fills me with dread.
They’re going to lock me up and throw away the key.
My breath starts coming in snatches.
“I should tell the hospital about this—”
“Please don’t!” I beg.