Page 5 of Exposed
“They’d want to know.”
“Please! I’ve been doing so well. I don’t want to go back there! They said I was one major incident from being detained. I can’t go back there. I’m getting better, I really am!”
Tears flow down my cheeks, and I don’t care how desperate I seem to the doctor; I can’t go back to that place. Iwon’t.
“Please, doctor,” I sob.
“I’ll do anything. Please.”
“Malia! I’mnotgoing to tell the hospital. Nor will this setback affect my report in any way. I’ll still be recommending your medication reduction, we’ll just need to take smaller steps.”
“Oh, thank you!” I cry with relief, wiping my tears from my face but more fall as fast I swipe them away. “Thank you so much. I swear I’m not insane, you won’t regret it!”
“Malia, I still want to see you as a patient, and I think you should see this boy from your date again, if only to get his version of last night’s events. How does that sound?”
“I know. But wouldn’t you rather know an outsider’s view of what happened?”
“I guess. But what if what he says just confirms that Iamcrazy?”
“You arenotcrazy, Malia. I will tell you this every single day until you finally believe me.” My heart races at the idea of seeing this gorgeous doctor long term. I fight a blush as he continues, “There could be a simple explanation for what happened last night. For example, what were you doing on the boat?”
“Besides having sex?”Kill me now!
“Yes. Besides that.”
“Erm, watching fireworks. And we had a picnic.”
“You see? So your sparks and explosion could simply be a rogue rocket.”
“Doesn’t explain the blackout though.”
“I don’t like to play games of maybes and what ifs, but it is possible you were startled by the noise, perhaps fell and hit your head, and your young gentleman friend escorted you back to safety.”
“I guess.”
“Speak to him and find out. And remember, whatever he says, I’m here to work through the process with you.”
“Okay. Thank you, doctor.”
“Now, I believe you have a class to get to. So I’ll let you go. Do you still wish to have our usual session later, or will this suffice for today?”
“Will it look odd if we log two sessions in one day? Will it raise an alarm at the hospital?”
“Let me worry about the hospital, Malia.”
“Okay. Ummm, I think I’ll be fine today.” I don’t know why I said that. I want to see more of the doctor, not less. He makes me feel…not normal…but like it’s okay to be me. Some days I almost believe him when he says I’m not crazy. I want more of that reassurance.
“If you’re sure. Usual time tomorrow. Your homework is to talk to your date. Have a good day, Malia.”
“Bye, doctor.”
I cut the video feed feeling much calmer about everything. Being in the doctor’s presence, even just online, has that effect on me. Of course it helps that he’s absolutely gorgeous to look at. His dark curling hair and tanned skin set off his bright green eyes nicely, but it’s the kindness and understanding that really draws me in.