Page 57 of Prettiest Psycho
To this day, I can’t work out why.
But my skill set must have caught someone’s attention because when I was sentenced to life in prison, I wasn’t taken to Belmarsh, I was whisked away to the asylum where I’ve been stuck ever since.
Now, I’m in too deep. There’s no turning back, and I never even got a say in the matter. Would I have chosen this over a life in prison? Probably. Because even then I was a fucking idiot. But if I knew the cost involved, the real price I’d have to pay, then things would have been very different.
My trip down memory lane has distracted me enough that I don’t even notice we’ve arrived back at the hotel. Kayla is still out cold, and I’m not relishing the thought of carrying her back up however many flights of stairs it is to get to the roof.
“Any chance we can take the lift, just this once?” I ask Hatchet hopefully. I don’t really expect him to say yes, so it surprises me when he nods.
The limo stops and we climb out, me with Kayla in my arms once more. We enter the hotel through the staff exit and use the service elevator to get to the top floor. From there, it’s only one flight of stairs to get to the roof, which is more than manageable.
The door is still propped open, and Valentine is in the chopper, engine on, propeller whirling, ready for take off. He smirks at me when he sees Kayla in my arms.
Once we’re all in and I’ve arranged Kayla to lie across my, Night’s, and Ghost’s laps, we’re cleared for takeoff and heading back to our prison on a rock, in the middle of the ocean. And I stroke my little Sugar Puff’s hair the entire time.
What a fucking joke. The mission should have been a cakewalk, but no, Little Miss happy clappy cunt had to go and ruin it all.
How fucking hard is it to kill a stupid bastard who deserved everything he got and more? I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her that she didn’t have what it takes to be one of us, and tonight just proved that. She’s a fucking amateur. Has she even killed before? Her actions tonight make me think not.
As soon as the chopper landed on the roof, I was out and gone. The others can deal with her useless unconscious body. She was a fucking liability and all she’s good for is fucking.
Not that I’ve had that pleasure yet. I can’t get over my hatred of her long enough to shoot my shot. Or simply take what I want from her. It infuriates me that I want her so bad. I have to keep telling myself that it’s simply because I’ve gone nearly nine months without sinking my dick into a nice warm pussy. It’s not her. It’s just her cunt. That’s all this is. An infatuation with her pussy.
But there’s no denying that the sight of Bones railing her up the ass while she bled all over the table got my dick hard.
Not as hard as when the stupid bitch refused her kill order and got her shock chip activated. It was fucking hilariousandshe looked sexy as hell once she was incapable of talking…walking…anything really. She’s much more fucking tolerable when she’s unconscious than when she’s awake. Hell, if I didn’t think Honey would have my ass for it, I might have been tempted to fuck her while she was out for the count.
No doubt one of her many pussy-whipped twats will be keeping watch over her all night like the under the thumb little cunts they are. Shame really. My dick’s been hard since I watched her hit the floor, body jerking as ten thousand volts coursed through her delectable little body.
I’m not looking forward to tomorrow though.
She failed her mission. And even though the guy ended up dead anyway, she’ll have to be punished for failing. Which wouldn’t be a problem – I’d fucking enjoy watching it actually – except that they like to preach that we’re a team here. So if one of us fails, we all fail. If Kayla has to be punished, we all will.
So not only am Inotgetting fucked, I’m also going to have to take one for the team because of her incompetence.
Fucking great.
Igrowl low in my chest as Snow hops out of the chopper and fucks off, leaving the rest of us to deal with Kayla’s unconscious form.
“Just let it go. He’s a fucking knob,” Bones mutters. He’s not wrong.
“That’s an insult to dicks everywhere,” Ghost mumbles, but I still hear him and crack a wry smile. I guess none of us have warmed to Snow yet. I wonder if I should just toss him off the roof at this point, or if he might still prove his worth. We can always use him as bait on the next job. The punishment would be worth it to be rid of him.
“What should we do with her?” Honey asks, cradling Kayla in his arms. She’s still out cold, but that’s not unusual after the shock chip has been deployed.
“I guess take her to her room,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck to keep from snatching her to my chest. “One of us should probably stay with her just to make sure she doesn’t suffer any nasty side effects.”