Page 58 of Prettiest Psycho
Snow, the pussy, puked the first time his shock chip went off. Unfortunately he was only semi-conscious at the time, and he almost choked to death on it. Wish he had. But the rest of us got the blame for not watching out for him. Go figure.
I’d rather not face additional punishment if something similar happened to Kayla. That’s all.
“I’ll watch over her,” Honey offers at the same time as Ghost and Bones say, “I will”. Hatchet shakes his head like the whole thing is ridiculous- which it really is, but I’m fucked if I can explain it.
“I’ll look after her,” I say, holding my arms out for Honey to pass her to me. He flinches and takes a small step back, a reproachful look on his face. “Give her here.”
“No. I can carry her.” His arms tighten around her slightly.
“But if I’m going to stay with her, it just makes more sense for me to take her.”
“But no one said you’re the one staying with her,” he points out.
I grit my teeth and count to three. I don’t have a problem with Honey, never have, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t testing my patience right now.
Hatchet steps forward and takes Kayla from Honey without a word, and off course, Honey lets him. No one argues with Hatchet. He fixes me with a firm look that clearly sayssort it out.It’s late. We’re all tired. Let’s get this done.
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Ghost suggests. I snort.
“Fine,” Honey agrees.
“Are we fucking children?” I growl out, my jaw tight.
“You scared to lose?” Bones asks with a wicked grin.
“Fuck you.”
Hatchet stands by and watches in amusement as Ghost and Honey count down and draw. Ghost opts for rock while Honey chooses scissors. Ghost’s winning grin is shit-eating until Honey smacks him in the balls.
“Ooof!” Ghost wheezes out a cough as he doubles over, but is still smiling when he recovers and straightens. “Motherfucker.”
“Sorry, I slipped,” Honey replies with an easy shrug and ano hard feelingssmile.
I turn to Bones and we play. My paper beats his rock, and my grin is deadly as I face Ghost.
“Come on, Casper,” I tease. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Ghost doesn’t rise to the bait. Very little rattles him, and even after all the time I’ve known him, I don’t feel like Iknowhim at all. He’s even more of a closed book than Hatchet – and that’s saying something because the dude never talks.
“Wanna raise the bounty?” I ask slyly.
“What?” Ghost blinks at me, the hint of a frown creasing between his eyes.
“Winner takes a blade from the loser,” I propose.
Ghost grimaces and shakes his head. “Pass.”
“Guess you don’t want it bad enough,” I taunt.
“I’m not a fucking masochist.”
“Money where your mouth is, right now, or I’m taking her,” I say, nodding to Kayla who’s still out cold in Hatchet’s arms. Bones looks fully entertained, and even Honey can’t disguise his interest in the outcome of this new wager.
“Fine,” Ghost grinds out from between his gritted teeth.
“Three… Two… One…Shoot.”
I draw my knife with my right hand, at the same time as I opt for rock. Ghost chooses scissors and I flash a snake-light, predatory grin at him.