Page 97 of Prettiest Psycho
“Then stop fucking calling me that. I’ve obviously done better than you.”
“Kayla,” Night says softly, drawing my attention to him, “like Bones said,youwere the target. Whoever ambushed us in that warehouse wanted you dead, not some girl.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you were running point. They knew you’d be the first through the door.”
“So it was Seytan then? She gave the orders, right?”
“I don’t know. It could be anyone in charge. And I don’t know about the chips or punishments, but I do know we need to get out of here and back to the safety of the island, because someone wants you dead – and I don’t actually think it’s anyone within the asylum.”
His words slowly start to sink in, and I shiver.
If not Seytan or the ones in charge, who? And, more worryingly, how did they know where to find me?
We didn’t get back to the chopper until the break of dawn. We ended up waiting in the woods for Snow to come around, scoping out the warehouse to see if anyone came after us. No one did.
It was an ambush, that much was clear, and Kayla was obviously the target…but why? Who is trying to kill her? It can’t be someone within the facility itself because they could have easily succeeded by now, but whoever is trying must have connections within the asylum because how else would they poison her food?
I need to ask her if there’s been any other instances where she’s felt threatened or watched. There certainly hasn’t been any attempts on her life at night. I know because I’ve been sneaking into her room to drug and fuck her almost every night.
Once Snow came around, Honey and Ghost helped carry him through the woods – which was a fucking long trek – until we came to a clearing on the other side. From there we were able to cross farmland and head for the lights of the small town in the distance. We must have walked miles, and Bones and Kayla griped at each other with every fucking step.
I know he’s pissed that I’ve been fucking her – he caught me coming out her room one morning and has been giving me shit about it ever since. Guy’s got it bad for the fiery redhead. He has a breeding kink – he confided that to me once years ago – and I’m sure half of the reason why he’s mad is because he’s scared I’m going to knock her up first.
If you ask me, he shouldn’t have wasted his shot with her shooting his load inside her ass – no matter how tempting it is.
Maybe I wouldn’t mind knocking her up myself. I’m certainly fucking her enough that it might happen.
I need to check with the doctor that she’s not on any contraceptive and make sure it stays that way. And if she is already, well, I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.
Eventually, thanks to Hatchet’s excellent sense of direction, we made it back to the drop off point where Valentine was waiting for us, pissed at being kept out late past his bedtime.
Not only that, but we don’t even get a lie in as thanks for staying out all night. No, today marks the beginning of Hell Week, an annual asylum tradition that tries to break us. We’ve nevernotlost someone during hell week, and I’m curious to see if Snow will crack. Kayla’s too stubborn. And it’s unlikely to be any of the rest of us – though Ghost sometimes comes close – because we’ve all weathered this storm before. It sure as shit won’t be me.
I have no intention of going anywhere so long and the enigmatic Miss Kingfisher is still with us.
Speaking of, she looks exhausted this morning. I’m glad I decided to give her a night off from my dick.
Without thinking, I reach out and grab the jug, refilling her glass of orange juice when it’s empty. Silence falls and everyone bar Kayla stares at me. She carries on eating like nothing has happened. I glower at the others, silently daring them to say something about how pussy whipped I am or similar, but I obviously still have clout in this place because they all turn back to their meals without a word.
Yeah, whatever, they can think what they like, but I know that we’re all secretly whipped. She has a magical pussy, and I’m sure it has nothing to do with her being the only female inmate – because I’ve fucked the staff plenty – and everything to do with her. So when Kayla wants something, she gets it. And this morning, she wanted orange juice with breakfast. Fine by me, it’s a good source of vitamin C, and if I’m coming round to Bones’ idea of knocking her up – and I very much am – then I may as well ensure she’s as healthy as she can possibly be.
My dick stirs at the thought of sneaking into her room at night and fucking her while she’s swollen with my baby in her belly. Maybe even one of the others’ babies. Pretty sure we’re all fucking her at this point. Except maybe Snow and Hatchet. They want to though. It doesn’t matter. So long as she’s ours and she’s pregnant and I can fuck her anytime I want, I can share.
I’m sure the others would feel the same way.
Once breakfast is over, I glance at the clock. It’s a quarter past nine in the morning. I’m sure she’s planning on sleeping all day, but that’s because she doesn’t know about hell week yet. We were out all night and she seems tired. The rest of us are used to it at least. Well, Snow’s in the medical wing because taking three bullets is not normal for any of us.
“What happens today?” Kayla asks, sounding as tired and defeated as she looks. I frown. I don’t like seeing her like this, and definitely not when she’s about to face down her worst fears in a relentless week of tasks and ‘therapies’ designed to break us. She looks already half way there.