Page 98 of Prettiest Psycho
“We have some free time until Snow is ready to join us for group therapy,” I tell her, deliberately not telling her about what the day has in store. “You’re welcome to come to the gym with me.”
“There’s a gym?”
“How do you think we stay this fit?” I quip, raising a brow at her as she checks me out. I mean, obviously I meant physically fit for the missions we’re sent on, but if she thinks I’m the other type offitI’m going to take the compliment. “There’s even a pool.”
I notice that she pales and shudders slightly at the mention of the pool. Interesting. She better hope that Seytan doesn’t discover whatever issue she has with pools – she’ll use it against her in the blink of an eye.
“A pool?”
“Yeah, we have a pool. You okay with that?” I ask her, knowing that if she’s not into swimming that it could be a problem.
“I love swimming,” she says, a little too quickly, I think. She glances at the clock, looking suddenly nervous. “What time do you start?”
“Normally I’d be there already, but as we were out all night we lost a little time,” I tell her, shrugging. “We have an hour or so until Snow’s ready to join us. The pool’s open for another few hours this afternoon as well.”
She shrugs.
“I’m actually pretty tired. Last night was…insane. Maybe I can join you next time?” She lies almost as prettily as she comes apart on my dick.
“Sure thing, Red,” I placate her. “Next time.”
She shivers again and gives me a tight smile.
“I’m going to go for a quick shower then head back to bed,” she mutters, getting up and leaving.
Whatever. I just hope that the problem she has with swimming won’t be a problem this afternoon. Hell week is going to be hard enough without her being petrified of some of the shit we’ll be doing.
I have the gym to myself for about an hour before Bones and Ghost slink in. Ghost has his headphones on and his hood pulled up. He dips his head in acknowledgement of my presence and then splits off from Bones to work on the punching bag. Bones ignores the equipment and marches up to me, seething.
The smirk is already tugging at my lips before the words have even left his mouth.
“Are you still fucking her?” He spits, his hands curled into angry fists.
“No,” I reply with a pause, waiting for his features to relax a little before being unable to resist winding him up. “Not right this second.”
He reels back and punches me, right in the jaw, and the bones crack. His or mine, I don’t know, but I spit blood at his feet. I will not be dragged into fighting this guy. Not over her.
“What’s it to you anyway?” I jibe.
“Stay away from her. Stop sneaking into her room at night. Let her choose who she wants to fuck. Stop assaulting her in her fucking sleep.”
“What? So you can knock her up without her knowledge? Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black?”
“It’s not the same,” he grinds out.
“Isn’t it?” I ask, massaging my jaw. Nothing’s broken, but it aches. “You know, I like your way of thinking.”
“What do you mean?” His eyes flash dangerously.
“I like to fuck beautiful women when they’re sleeping, you like to knock them up. The amount I’ve been fucking Kookaburra bareback and raw, she’s probably already carrying my child—”
The second hit, right on top of the first, packs a little more punch and I stagger back a little. I’m definitely going to be feeling that in the morning.
I take a menacing step towards Bones until we’re practically nose to nose and evenly matched.
“I’ve been there for her. I’ve been the one fucking her, not you. And I’m going to continue fucking her and making her scream my name, just in case you need the visual.”
He punches me in the face one more time, stunning me into silence.