Page 99 of Prettiest Psycho
“Grow up,” he spits.
I hope he doesn’t try to fucking kill me in my sleep. I almost feel bad that I’m not suffering from the same rage and insecurities as he is, but I don’t. I’ve never doubted that Kayla wants me. I’m not stupid, I know she wants the others too, but unlike Bones, I don’t have any qualms with sharing her. Doesn’t mean I’m going to let him tell me what I can and can’t do though
“Don’teverhit me again,” I warn, before turning on my heel and striding over to the treadmill. I start jogging, but he doesn’t follow me. Good. We have enough on our plate without taking on the punishment for fighting on top.
When I finish my run, I stop the machine and turn around. Ghost is leaning against the leg press machine, watching me intently. His hood is still up, but his headphones are around his neck, and he doesn’t look to have broken a sweat. He never does. He looks haunted because he’s always battling some invisible demon – one he refuses to share with the rest of the class.
“What’s up, Ghost?” I ask him. I’ve got time for the kid. He’s not a total arsehole like most twenty somethings. Like fucking Snow.
Never did find out why he took those bullets, but I damn well will.
“I came to talk to you.” His hands are balled into fists again and he’s staring at them.
“Okay,” I reply, walking over to him. “Talk.” I look him in the eye and wait. He’s a decade younger than me, but I’m not going to treat him like a child.
He stares at me, indecision written all over his face. After a long moment, he licks his lips and begins.
“You guys were fighting about Kayla, right?”
I don’t move. I don’t even blink. I just stare at him, trying to determine if he’s fucking with me. “I know you were.”
I raise a brow at him as if to saywhy are you asking stupid fucking questions then?
He takes a deep breath and swallows. “I-I don’t think you should.”
“What? Fight?”
“Get her pregnant.”
“I don’t see that it’s any concern of yours.”
He hesitates, hearing the warning in my tone, but decides to be brave and continue anyway. Ballsy fucker.
“It is.” He looks up at me. “She’s ours.”
“I think you’ll find she’s neither a horse nor an item of inheritance.” My tone is mocking.
“It’s not that,” he snaps. “She’s one of us.”
“Bullshit,” I scoff back. “If she were, I wouldn’t be talking to you, I would be talking to her.”
He swallows and I can see the internal battle in his eyes as he weighs up whether to continue or walk away. Eventually, he takes the plunge and continues. “You do realise we all have some connection with her, right?” he pleads. “We all have an inkling who her father is, even if she doesn’t. And she’s already connected with all of us.”
“Some of us more than others,” I point out pettily.
“The point is, this would be a horrible environment to raise a child in. What do you think will happen? They’ll just let her go because she’s pregnant? You’ll be condemning that child to a lifetime of incarceration just because of who its parents are, and worse, you’ll be givingthemexactly what they want: a new generation of soldiers to control.”
Fuck. Why hadn’t I thought of it like that? Obviously I didn’t think getting Kayla pregnant would result in her freedom, nor did I think we’d play happy families, I just like the abstract notion of her pregnant and mine and being fucked all day long.
“You don’t know that,” I protest, even though the kid mighthave a point. “There’s no saying if Seytan would evenletKayla get pregnant. Or keep it if she was.”
“Why do you think they brought in a woman this time?” he presses. “They know we have a shelf life, they’re trying to ensure their legacy of killers.“
I mean, it sounds a bit far fetched if you ask me, but that’s exactly why I know he’s right. Fuck. Heisright. But it might already be too late for Kayla. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that my baby is already growing in her belly, and the thought fills me with pride. And not just to get one over on Bones. Iwanther pregnant. I want her irrefutably marked as mine, even as I share her with the others.
But I don’t want to give the asylum any more power over us than they already have.
With nothing else to say, I nod to Ghost. I’ll think about what he’s said, but it’s out of my hands. Even if she’s not pregnant, and I do stop fucking her, someone else will take my place and sooner or later she will be with child. Which means we need a plan B.