Page 45 of Lost Without You
“I’m good with that.”
“Get your ass on a plane first thing,” Dalton replied and hung up.
“Cheerful guy,” Ethan mused out loud and then placed his phone down.
Watson jumped up on his desk and proceeded to sniff at his laptop, then curled up by Ethan’s right arm. Ethan placed a call to Xavier Riu, a long-time friend and former San Diego prosecutor who was now in private practice. After an hour-long chat to give him the details of Rachel’s case, Ethan logged off his computer and picked up Watson. Heading upstairs, he placed his cat on the foot of the bed and headed for the bathroom. After washing up, he slipped under the covers and lay on his side, watching Rachel as she slept.
Ethan thought about the break-in and the press conference and the fact that there was a target on her back.
He knew that sleep would be a long time coming.
The next morning, Xavier arrived at Ethan’s at 7:00 AM to meet Rachel in person. At just over six feet and with a perma-scowl that rivaled Dalton’s, Xavier was not someone you wanted to face in court. Despite this, he warmed to Rachel quickly as they chatted in Ethan’s kitchen.
“Why didn’t you call me sooner? Rachel should have had representation as soon as you found that disk.”
“We didn’t know what we were dealing with at the time. Until the recent break-in, it was all circumstantial,” Ethan replied.
“Are you coming with us to New York?” Rachel asked. “I assume you’ll want to vet my public statement with the FBI team before I sit down with the press.”
“Absolutely,” Xavier responded as he sipped on his coffee.
An hour later, Ethan, Rachel, and Xavier were on a plane to New York. Two FBI agents met them at the airport terminal upon arrival and brought them directly to Dalton. They were whisked into the city and the field office.
Rachel called her mother and brother. They both agreed to attend the conference in person, off-screen, to support her. Xavier went over every word before he gave the final okay. As the clock ticked down to the 9:00 PM press meeting, Ethan noticed Rachel’s anxiety as she paced.
“Can you please give us a minute alone?” Ethan asked the room full of agents.
Dalton ushered everyone out.
“Are you ready to do this?” Ethan asked as he wrapped his arms around Rachel.
Her body trembled, then finally calmed. She tilted her head back, then reached up to kiss him. Ethan felt a pang near his heart that made him hold her tighter.
“It’s the only way,” she replied, her gaze determined.
“You’re an amazing woman, Rachel. I’m so proud of you. And scared for you,” Ethan murmured as he cupped her face. “I know the timing is bad, but I need you to know… I need you to know that I’m falling in love with you.”
The words felt as natural as breathing.
Rachel’s eyes welled up and tears escaped down her cheeks. Ethan gently wiped them away.
“I’m falling in love with you, too,” she whispered in return and kissed him.
It wasn’t the ideal scenario for a declaration of their feelings, but Ethan wanted her to know that she had all of his support, and all of his love. No matter what.
Chapter Nineteen
9:00 PM
Rachel was escorted to a green room in the underbelly of the FBI office. A long table had been set up with microphones. On the opposite side sat two rows of chairs and a gaggle of reporters setting up their cameras and lights.
Rachel and Xavier sat on the end with Dalton and the FBI media liaison beside them. Ethan, Rachel’s mom, Ryker, and Wes sat off camera beside the other field agents. Anytime Rachel felt her courage falter, she glanced over at Ethan. His strong presence grounded her and she took a deep breath. Dalton tapped on his microphone and silence descended, the reporters filing into their chairs and waiting anxiously.
“Good evening. I’m FBI field agent Dalton Sunema. This press conference has been organized to disclose a whistleblower in an investigation that I am leading. Walter F. Hoffman, an employee of New York accounting firm, Harrison, June and Rodwell, referred to as HJR, went missing in 1989. The assumption at the time was that his departure was voluntary. New information has come to light that suggests this employee uncovered a major money laundering scheme at the firm in question. This is now a missing persons case that I’m leading.”