Page 46 of Lost Without You
Dalton paused to take a sip of water and then continued.
“The evidence suggests that certain individuals employed at HJR were falsifying account ledgers for major real estate corporations prior to submission to the IRS. In short, attempting to defraud the government. The man who discovered this information, Walter F. Hoffman, was last seen in New York on September 29, 1989, and hasn’t been heard or seen since. We are also re-opening an inquiry into the death of another HJR employee, Finley Hatch. Mr. Hatch worked in the same group as Mr. Hoffman and was found dead in his home the day Walter went missing. To my right, is a photo of Walter taken from that year. There is a second photo, a digital enhancement, that shows how Mr. Hoffman may appear at his current age,” Dalton pointed to the screen beside him. “If anyone has information about the whereabouts of Walter F. Hoffman, a dedicated number has been set up and will be made available at the end of this conference. I’d like to now introduce you to Rachel Desoumas, to my left. Rachel is Walter’s daughter and instigated the search into his disappearance. Rachel came to us with evidence that has now made a formal investigation possible.”
Rachel pulled the microphone in front of her closer. Camera flashes started to pop.
“Good evening. As Mr. Sunema mentioned, I recently uncovered information about potential fraud at HJR that was hidden in my father’s possessions. Since then, and after speaking with the FBI, there have been several incidents aimed at intimidating me into silence. I am coming forward and going public with my information for my safety and that of my family while the FBI continues their investigation into my father’s whereabouts. Thank you.”
Reporters started yelling and the cacophony in the room was deafening.
“Where was the information found?”
“Is Mr. Hoffman presumed dead?”
“Will formal charges be forthcoming?”
Dalton fielded the questions and answers and wrapped everything up in under an hour.
Afterwards, Rachel went to stand up, but she was so tired her bones felt like jelly.
“What happens now?” she asked Dalton.
“We see what, if any, tips come in. And we continue to put together the case against HJR.”
“I’ve got another client I have to call back, but I’ll be in touch. If you need me, I’m only a phone call away,” Xavier murmured and headed out of the room.
Ryker and her mom moved to stand beside her.
“Should I hire private security?” Rachel asked Dalton.
“I think Harrison will back off, but it’s not a bad idea,” He replied.
“Ethan, what do you think?” Rachel asked as Ethan moved in to stand beside her, his arm wrapping around her waist.
“Security is a great idea,” Ethan responded.
“I can get you in touch with a firm Cal used when he had that stalker. Spartan Security,” Ryker offered.
“You might want to do the same,” Dalton murmured as he looked at Ryker and nodded at Tina.
“Fuck, what a nightmare.” Rachel whispered. “Of my own making.”
“I want you guys to stay at our place tonight. You, too, Mama,” Ryker murmured and they all agreed.
A half hour later, they ended up back in Ryker and Wes’s apartment—with their three dogs and two cats greeting everyone excitedly.
“I should’ve brought Watson on this trip, he’d be in good company,” Ethan murmured as he bent down to pet the furry beasts who jumped all over him.
“Let me make that phone call,” Ryker murmured. “In the meantime, make yourself at home.”
They walked into the spacious penthouse and Rachel collapsed on the sectional. Ryker got on the phone, while Wes and Tina headed into the kitchen to prepare a snack. As tired as she was, and it being nearly 10:30 PM, Rachel was also wound up.
Ethan sat down beside her, pulling off her shoes and socks and placing her feet in his lap. Slowly, he massaged her feet, adding just the right amount of pressure to make her eyes roll back.
“You’re way too good at that,” Rachel murmured as she closed her eyes.
“I’m a man of many talents,” Ethan quipped.
“That you are.”