Page 116 of Tutored in Love
“Noah.” Alec’s voice had never been so annoying.
Glad the guy was speaking to his back, Noah spent some extra time checking his tires and drummed up a pleasant expression as he straightened.
Alec had the decency to look contrite.
“I wanted to say, uh, thanks. For taking care of Grace back there.”
“No problem,” Noah said, clapping a hand on Alec’s shoulder.
“I should have—”
“Anything for a friend.” Noah had no desire to hear Alec “should” on himself. He put a foot on one pedal and waited for Alec to mount before rolling. “How was your ride? Any mishaps with the rest of you?”
“Nothing major,” Alec said, frowning. “A few bumps and scrapes.”
“Did you have to wait long?”
“A half hour or so. I was about to come check on Grace, but—”
“Glad we saved you a second trip,” Noah interrupted, sick at the idea of Alec witnessing his pass and humiliation. “Hey, Chris!” Noah said as he caught up. “What did you think?”
“Awesome!” Chris said. “Everything I expected and more. I hear you had some excitement.”
“Yeah,” Noah scoffed.
If only they knew how little it had had to do with the ride.
Chapter 63
Freak Out
Freaking out, freaking out, don’tfreak out, I’m fine, it’s fine, everything is fine, freaking out!
Ten minutes into our drive, Alec’s voice cuts through the car’s audio and my hopefully calm exterior to interrupt my internal chanting. “You okay?”
“Mm-hmm,” I say, opening my eyes and turning my head—gently, because it’s already getting stiff from my fall—to give him a smile. I want to text Ivy so bad I can’t stand it, but I was going for feigned sleep on the drive so I wouldn’t have to talk to Alec or rudely ignore him while I text.
Besides, I’m not quite ready to tell Ivy she was right.
“I’m so sorry,” he says again.
I’ve lost count, he’s apologized so many times about leaving me to fend for myself, but it’s me who should be apologizing. If I can find the words. Guilt buys me some patience for his repetition.
“I’m fine,” I say. Putting my hand on his would give my words more weight, but I can’t bring myself to do it. “It’s fine. I wasn’t expecting you to stick to my back tire and watch over me for the whole ride.”Like Noah did.“I’m not mad.”Not at you.
“I know. You’re strong. But I should have waited.”
“Everything worked out. I’m just a little worn out. Aren’t you? You guys killed that ride!” Playing to his ego is cheap, but I’m scrambling here. I’ll do anything not to talk about what’s bugging me.
I can’t. Not yet.
He smiles a knowing smile, then reaches forward to turn up—no, down—no, off!—his music.
“It was a great ride, and I’m glad we came down, but I can tell something’s bothering you. Can we talk?”
He knows, he knows, he knows!