Page 117 of Tutored in Love
I nod, get a drink for my crackling-dry throat. If only I could transfer some of the water from my palms to there. It’s so strange how the throat gets dry and the palms wet. What purpose does that serve, anyway? It’s not like ithelps, when you’re nervous, to have a dry throat and wet palms and nausea, although I suppose the racing heart does help, like if I could run away right now, I’d have plenty of blood flow to my legs—
As I reach to put my water bottle back in the center-console cup holder, he captures my hand, drawing my eyes to his before they settle back on the road.
“This isn’t working for you, is it?” he says.
“I don’t think so.”
He glances my way long enough to throw me a resigned smirk. “Maybe we’ve been forcing things.”
He squeezes my hand once before returning his to the steering wheel. “I’m sorry,” he says.
“Me too,” I say. “I really thought we could... that this might...”
“Yeah.” He exhales some frustration. “But it’s not going to, is it?”
“No, it isn’t. Which really sucks.”
“Yeah, it does.” He shakes his head, then laughs. “I thought this trip was going to help us work things out.”
“Well,” I say, smiling as calm seeps through the car, “I think it did. Are you good?”
He looks at me and smiles back. “I’m good. You?”
“Yeah.” And I am.
* * *
It’s late afternoon by the time we get back to my apartment. Alec helps me get my bike and all my gear up the stairs before he leaves. I don’t even bother with a shower once he’s gone, I’m so desperate for Ivy’s help. I barricade myself in my room, hoping Jamie has to work late tonight.
Ivy:Look what the cat dragged in!
Me:I know. I’m terrible.
Ivy:Groveling accepted. What’s up?
Me:Welllllllllllll... you were right.
Ivy:Oh yeah, totally accepted. Also, to which instance are we specifically referring?
Ivy:YESSSSSSS! Kicked Adonis to the curb, did we?
I fill Ivy in on the details, making it clear that the breakup was mutually agreeable. We’ll definitely be better off as friends. As relieved as I am for myself, I’m equally relieved for him. He’s a good guy. He’ll find someone who fits.
Me:I’m glad it ended friendly. He even helped me get my bike and all my gear back up to the apartment.
Ivy:Very nice. Now, when are you asking Noah out?
Never one to waste time, Ivy. I explain to her that I’m not sure he’s open to that, recounting—minus a few details—my wipeout and Benevolent Lifeguard’s appearance, followed by a jarring return to Tetchy Tutor.