Page 98 of Tutored in Love
Noah took the seat Jamiewaved him to in the small classroom, not thinking about the kiss he’d seen Grace plant on Alec’s cheek, the way he’d guided her to a seat with his hand on her back as they’d come late into the church, the way he’d toyed with her hair during the sermon.
Clenching his jaw, Noah smiled while Jamie introduced him to the other committee members and chattered on about how excited she was to be involved. He recognized Melissa from the fall social, but there was no way his brain would remember the other names—it took all his brain power just to appear civil.
The guy with the laptop and expression of doom was probably the other cochair, judging by the way he kept checking his watch and straining to see out into the hallway. When Grace finally came in, he didn’t even wait for her to sit before he started. “Thanks, everyone, for coming on short notice. We have a ton to cover, so I’ll offer a prayer, and then Grace has a verse for us.”
It wasn’t until Grace said amen that she saw Noah, if her expression when their eyes met was any indication.
Calm, friendly disinterest, he told himself, smiling and lifting his chin in greeting. Her face now bore her usual friendly smile, though slightly pinched. Apparently, she hadn’t known about his assignment.Great.
“Thanks, Tony,” she said. She read a verse in Hebrews, in which Paul tells the people to meet together and encourage each other in good works. “Our aim,” she said, “is to come up with activities that draw us together while serving those around us who may be in need. Through our outreach and service, other people can feel the goodness of God and be drawn to Him.”
Noah kept his eyes in his lap, thoughts wandering to the gratitude he’d felt when Grace reached out after Matt’s accident. She had only sent a text, but simply knowing that she was concerned had brought comfort.
That led him to replaying the conversations they’d had on the trail. With no prior intention of becoming a daily runner, he suddenly found himself counting the minutes until he could go. Caution was warranted, and he’d varied his time of departure just enough that he still had a chance of running into Grace without being creepy, but even a short hello was worth the effort. He couldn’t remember ever looking forward to exercise more. Like a cup with a hole in the bottom, he felt he could never know enough about her—her work, life, family, interests.
It was driving him crazy.
“Absolutely not.” The sharpness of the voice brought Noah’s attention back to the meeting. It was Laptop Guy—Tony—that had spoken, his comments directed at a guy with white-blond hair styled like Albert Einstein’s.
Tony inhaled to say more, but Grace intervened. “I think a trip to Moab sounds fantastic, Chris,” she said, her tone backing her words. “But I think what Tony means is that an overnight activity with no service doesn’t really fit our mission.”
Chris slumped in his chair, several gravity-defying blond corkscrews swaying with the motion. Noah wondered idly if he leaned more physicist or beach bum.
“Getting back on track—let’s review assignments for tomorrow night,” Tony said, reclaiming the meeting as Grace tossed an apologetic look Chris’s way.
The feeling it prompted wasn’t envy. Grace wasn’t datingthatguy.
The meeting dragged on, the only thing of note being that when Noah volunteered to pick up the food for their Labor Day activity, Jamie volunteered herself as well.
Troubled by Jamie’s forwardness—or was she just being helpful?—Noah caught up to Chris in the parking lot after the meeting, an idea simmering in his mind. “So when are you going to Moab?”
Chris shot him a look of confusion. “That got shot down.”
“Why not do it on your own? Get a group together?”
Dejected shoulders lifted. “I’ve always wanted to go down there...”
They talked it over, and Chris decided he could pull it all together in a week if he could convince a few people to go. “You’re in, right?” he asked.
Nervous excitement bubbled up as Noah thought about getting to explore the beautiful landscape he’d only seen through the Mexico van’s window and on their brief stops along the way. “I’ll see if I can get a day off.”
Chapter 53
Labor Day
Me:That was fast! You’re awake!
Ivy:Dave's asleep, but I just had a nap. What’s up?
I roll onto my back, careful not to upset the giant bowl of extra-butter popcorn at my elbow, and stare at my bedroom ceiling lit by streetlights and passing cars. It’s late enough that I should be asleep since my Labor Day cover shift starts at eight tomorrow morning, but I need to talk to someone. I’m relieved Ivy is available—I never know with her these days. Where do I even start?
Me:Miss you. How are things?