Page 99 of Tutored in Love
Ivy:Miss me? What about Adonis?
Ivy and her nicknames. I have to chuckle, but it makes me miss her even more. I’m still pondering what to tell her when she texts again.
Ivy:I’m getting a vibe. Spill.
Me:Maybe I’m not right for him...
Ivy:Girl, you’re killing me, but I can’t call or move or Dave will wake up. SPILL.
To facilitate faster thumbs and more efficient eating of popcorn, I sit up and lean my pillow against the wall, stretching my legs out on my twin bed as I unfold my day and week to Ivy in one big, long text—how Alec was late on Monday, his irritation at my attending my meeting today, his frustration that I have to work tomorrow and with my work in general—pausing occasionally to shovel another handful of buttery comfort into my mouth.
Ivy:Hang on. Why is he irritated with you for going to your meeting?
Me:Sunday is our only day together, and he drove all the way here.
And you drove all the way there on Monday, only to have him leave you waiting without explanation. You had a good excuse. He didn’t.
Me:He wants to be able to spend more time together. He was already disappointed because of the Labor Day thing.
She sends me a full screen of face-palms in reply, but I can’t really blame Alec for being frustrated that I have to work tomorrow on one of his few days off. The thing is, I took Independence Day in exchange for agreeing to work Labor Day. I can’t call in sick, though I think that’s what he wants.
Ivy:You can’t blow off work commitments.
Me:I know. But he said it feels like I’m more committed to my work than to him. He wants me to ask for different hours. Or look for a different job.
Ivy:And you said... ?
Me:I didn’t say no...
But I also didn’t agree with him. He was in such a foul mood when I came back from my meeting, I had a hard time keeping my own temper in check. And I’m not sure I want to rearrange or leave a job I love for a relationship that is this difficult to navigate. Even basic conversation is becoming a challenge, making my brain itch like flea-ridden eczema rolled in stinging nettle.
If this relationship werethe one, shouldn’t conversation flow? Like it does with—
Ivy:Tell me what else you’ve been up to.
I tell Ivy a little about work and mention that instead of running every day this week, I want to get a couple of bike rides in so I won’t be saddle-sore on the Moab trip a friend of mine is planning.
Ivy:You? Have been running DAILY? Are you okay?
Ivy knows me as the intermittent runner I usually am. Honestly, it’s only been the last week that I’ve gone every day. If I happen to see Noah every time, that doesn’t mean he’s thereasonI’m going.
It just... feels good.
To run.
She’s not going to let this go, and she’ll see right through me if I try to dodge the bullet that’s coming.
Me:Don’t freak out, but yes, I’ve been running every day. And... maybe I might usually happen to run into Noah while I’m out there.