Page 3 of The Gentlemen's Club
“It’s fine.” He managed a reassuring smile. “It’s not like Ethan saw it.”Which would have been a disaster.
Chris shook his head. “It’s more complicated than that. I met one of the senior partners today, a real shark named Mickey. We sat in a boardroom together waiting for a meeting to start. I told him something funny the twins did, and he asked to see their photos. I opened my phone and started to scroll through my gallery, but I scrolled a bit too far and reached two of your photos.”
“Ouch. What happened then?”
“Mickey lit up like a Christmas tree. I tried to pull my phone away, but he grabbed it to take a closer look. I thought I was having a heart attack.”
“Did he ask you questions?”
“No, maybe because he knew I would lie. After he gave me back my phone, he started talking about a place called The Gentlemen’s Club.”
“Ever since I started working for this firm, I heard rumors of a secret club where top lawyers hang out. It became sort of a myth. After Mickey saw your photos, he invited me to that club as his guest. Heimpliedthat this could be my express ticket to becoming a junior partner.”
Chris had been talking about that promotion for a couple of years now. “That’s good, right?”
Chris shook his head. “He didn’t invite me because he likes me. Everything has a price.”
“And what was his price?”
Anthony blinked, then frowned before blinking again. “Me?”
“He wants to meet you in his office tomorrow after work.”
Anthony chewed on his lower lip. “I have a feeling he doesn’t want to get to know my personality.”
Chris nodded. “I don’t reckon he does.”
“Do you think he will tell people about the photos if I don’t meet him?”
Chris shifted on the couch, not meeting Anthony’s eyes. “I think so, yes.”
Anthony leaned back on the couch.This is bad.
“I’m sorry. I usually keep your photos in a secured app, but I forgot to do that last time.” He touched Anthony’s cheek. “You can say no. I’ll figure something out.”
Anthony tilted his head to see the worry in Chris’s eyes. Those blue things could cut through every logical thought in Anthony’s brain. And besides, he was sitting with a cage around his cock, so what did he know about logical decisions?
“Will he expect me to have sex with him?” Anthony had only ever slept with one man, and that was Chris. He wasn’t eager to expand the list.
“What he expects doesn’t matter. You don’t need to do anything you don’t want to do.”
Anthony nodded. “Okay. I’ll go see him tomo—”
Chris hugged him mid-sentence. “Thank you, Ant. You’re amazing.”
“Oh, I’m all right.”
Chris let go, relief in his eyes. “After you’re done with Mickey, I’ll let you out of the cage. I honestly didn’t expect you to last so long.”
Anthony stopped himself from jumping in celebration. He had almost forgotten a time when his mind was free to fantasize without self-inflicting discomfort or pain. Meeting that Mickey guy felt like a small price to pay for a proper erection.
Chris stood and offered his hand. “Although you’re still in the cage, I’m free as a bird. You going to help me out?”
“I think I can lend a hand.”