Page 4 of The Gentlemen's Club
Chris pulled him up and steered him to the bedroom. “I had another part of you in mind.”
Chris’s office building was within spitting distance of Central Park. Due to the late hour, dozens of people were making their way outside, moving like a fleeing herd. Anthony couldn't picture himself working in a place like this, lucrative as it was. Having so many people around made him nervous and uncomfortable. It used to be worse when he was younger, but even these days, he tended to keep away from crowds.
He made his way to one of the eight elevators and chose the 34thfloor. His heart drummed faster with every new floor. The more he thought about it, the stranger this whole situation felt. But he was a man of his word, and he was going to see this through. The elevator doors opened, and Anthony walked toward a wide reception desk. A pretty receptionist smiled at him as he got close, but before she could greet him hello, Chris popped out from one of the nearby rooms.
“Ant, in here.”
Once inside the rather small office, Chris shut the door behind them and locked it.
“Thanks for making it.”
“I said I would.”
Chris rubbed his hands together. “Yeah, I’m just a bit nervous. Mickey’s been bugging me about this all day.”
Anthony looked around. There was nothing on the walls as far as decorations, but there were a few framed photos on the table. He was happy to see it wasn’t just Melissa and the twins who got an honorary place on the desk. There was one photo of Chris with Ethan and his family on Christmas. Both Ethan and Chris seemed very young, likely around the time Anthony first met them.
“Was this your first Christmas at Ethan’s?” Anthony asked.
“No, the second. The first time was nerve-wracking; I barely spoke with anyone. The second time was... it was perfect.”
There was another framed photo that showed Chris, Ethan, and Anthony from years back on a camping trip. Chris’s blond hair had been longer then, and Anthony had fewer muscles.
“I remember that weekend.” He picked up the photo and watched his younger self smiling with his arm around Ethan. “By the way, I spoke with Ethan last night after you left. He sounded better.”
Chris made a face. “He won’t be better until he loses that useless job and gets back into tech.”
“He needs time.”
“What heneedsis to stop feeling sorry for himself.” Chris exhaled. “Sorry, I’m being an ass. But Ethan is brilliant, and he needs to do brilliant things. I hate to see him wasting his time.”
“He’ll get to where he needs to go when he’s ready.” Anthony scanned the framed photos again. “You don’t have one with Jay?”
Chris twisted his lips like he usually did when he was uncomfortable. “No.”
Anthony had tried to press both Chris and Jay to tell him what had gone wrong between them, but they kept their mouths shut. He wanted to believe that once Jay got out of prison, things would go back to normal between the four of them, but he was doubtful.
“Nice office,” Anthony said.
“Not really. It’s way too small, which means thatIamsmall. Status here is directly connected to real estate. Junior partners jump one floor up to an office with a view, and senior partners jump two floors. Anyway, drop your pants.”
“What, now?”
“Last thing I need is for Mickey to see you in that cage.”
There were no windows in the office and the door was locked, so Anthony got out of his shoes and pulled down his jeans and underwear. He was wearing nicer clothes than usual, but Chris didn’t comment on them although he was usually sharp with noticing such things.
It felt weird standing half naked in a well-lit office, but it was worth it once Chris went down on his knees and inserted a small key into the side of the cage. A faintclickcaused a shudder across Anthony’s body. The removal of that nasty thing left him feeling free and downright happy. He didn’t immediately get hard, but he knew that even the lightest touch could easily change that.
“Hey, you,” Chris said to the cock in front of him.
Anthony looked down. “I forgot what it looks like.”
“You should have told me.” Chris rose to his feet. “I have two hundred photos to send you.”
Anthony laughed and pulled up his underwear and pants. “Do you know more about what Mickey wants?”