Page 34 of Go the Long Way
Uncertainty was galloping its way through his gut just then; whether he should proceed on, or if Ethan trulydidn'twant —
Jakob sucked in a sharp breath as Ethan's other hand came up to grip his head roughly, before lips slammed into his for a messy, utterly brutal kiss.
It was sloppy and hard, the wet warmth of Ethan's mouth damn near all-consuming. It felt impossible to keep up; there was nothing soft or gentle found here, no flirtatious teasing. No — this kiss was all power and demand, challenge and warning. It was like nothing Jakob had ever known in a kiss before, sending a thrill shooting through his entire body; an engine igniting inside him, roaring into life.
But all too soon it was over as Ethan drew back, panting, looking about as desperate as Jakob felt.
"There," he spat, as Jakob's mind reeled. "Is that what you wanted? Does that answer any of your damn questions?"
"Yes," Jakob whispered, before curling his fingers up the column of Ethan's neck and pulling him in for another kiss.
And ohGod,but kissing Ethan was like a cold lemonade on a hot summer day, as wild and sharply sweet in all the best of ways.
Gentler this time, tasting of surprise and wonder and hesitation. If the first kiss had been a challenge, then this one must have been the answer Ethan sought. The hand resting lightly on Jakob's hip slid around to the small of his back instead, before Ethan urged Jakob's body flush against his.
Slinging his leg across Ethan's thighs to straddle his hips, Jakob practically plastered himself against his best friend's body; all magnificently firm and strong against his own, just as promised.
The angle trapped Jakob's hand between them, right at the first sign of a swell rising up from the taut plain of Ethan's jeans. A tantalizing warmth radiated outward to greet Jakob's fingertips, and with slight twist of his hand, he found himself cupping along the length he found in Ethan's jeans; marveling at the feel of his friend thickening in Jakob's palm, the loss of movement not a loss at all.
Ethan groaned, pulling him closer, smelling of shaving cream and popcorn, and something… Something a small part of Jakob's brain could only hesitantly identify as 'masculine'; the rest of him so totally and completely absorbed with the man himself.
He couldn't help the desperate groan that escaped him, nor the way he was clutching at Ethan's shirt in frantic need of an anchor.
The hand Ethan had laced through Jakob's hair tightened in surprise, forcing Jakob's head back under the pressure. Which only served to make him groanagain.
Dragged from his throat, the sound nonetheless seemed to unloosen some of the tautness in Ethan's frame. He let Jakob keep control of the kiss, and Jakob tilted his head slightly, exploring this new terrain; changing the angle to deepen it, sliding his tongue along the seam of Ethan's lips and into his mouth.
A thrill ran through him at the sensation of Ethan's tongue meeting his own, at the feeling of the cock growing hard against his thigh as they began to explore each other. In the confines of his own jeans, Jakob's cock was rapidly filling as well, straining against the thick fabric.
He slid his hands up Ethan's hips, his sides, beneath that ratty old t-shirt from their senior homecoming dance. The one where Jakob had brought his then-girlfriend and Ethan had come stag, and they'd both somehow ended up on the roof of the shop class; drunk as a pair of skunks after Kevin Nelson dumped a whole fifth of vodka into the school punch without anyone seeing; talking about everything and nothing under the light of the fat full moon.
And they could have hadthis, Jakob realized with a pang; they could always have had this. Ethan had confessed to Jakob that he liked guys back in the ninth grade, after the class field trip to the zoo.
The teacher had gone on and on about the animals in the exhibits, comparing them to Noah's ark, all two-by-two. But then their class had come across a pair of penguins guarding their egg in a nest. And when the teacher had started up about mommies and daddies, a nearby woman had interrupted him; cheerfully introducing herself as the animal's carer, before correcting the teacher that both the penguins he had been discussing were, in fact,male.
And if Jakob had just gotten his head out of his ass back then…
But here they werenow, he reminded himself; Ethan warm and willing under Jakob, and neither of them wasting any more time.
Chapter 16
Smoothing his hands along the muscled planes flanking Ethan's spine, Jakob rucked up the fabric of his shirt, a hunger within him now to feel Ethan's skin against his own. A hunger Ethan seemed more than willing to oblige; breaking their kiss just long enough to rip the garment over his head and help Jakob out of his too, before pulling Jakob in for another kiss.
Jakob groaned at the sensations coursing through his body, overwhelmed by the signals flooding his brain. He mouthed a trail of kisses along Ethan's jaw, biting lightly at his ear and — OH! — setting off a thoroughly unexpected chain reaction; Ethan bucking against Jakob with a groan at the flash of teeth, dragging an answering moan from Jakob's throat as the bulge of Ethan's erection teased at Jakob own; straining furiously against the cotton of his jeans.
That.Jakob needed more of that and he needed ityesterday, his hand nearly shaking as he reached for Ethan's fly.
"What — What are you doing?" Ethan whispered, halting Jakob with the simple press of his palm flush against Jakob's chest.
Jakob took a deep breath. "I told you. I want to know what it's like. And I — I wantyouto show me. Unless… do you want to stop?"
"No, I — Jakob, you… You don't know what you're asking…"
Jakob couldn't hold back the chuckle that snuck out of his throat, the strangeness of the situation fizzing in his belly like a shaken soda. "Pretty sure I'm asking you to fuck me."
Ethan sucked in a loud breath as his eyes went comically wide, his fingers digging into skin where they still gripped Jakob's hips tight. "Fuck, Jakob," he breathed. "You can't just… You — "
"Please fuck me?" Jakob asked in his best 'I'm only a lil ol' innocent porn star' drawl; tilting his head and throwing Ethan the old puppy dog eyes just like he had done before a thousand escapades in their past. It was a look that promised fun and heralded mischief. A look that had always had Ethan sayingyes.