Page 35 of Go the Long Way
"You're going to be the death of me, I swear," Ethan huffed. "Are yousureyou want this?"
"Want you," Jakob rasped, his voice a little hoarse as he gazed down at Ethan; those eyes so wide and dark, those lips slightly parted and kiss-swollen.
Mmmm, don't mind if I do…
"Want more of this," Jakob whispered against Ethan's skin after he'd finally relinquished his friend's mouth, sucking his way down Ethan's neck and across his bared shoulder; each gasp and moan he managed to wring from the man shooting straight to Jakob's cock. "Want you close, want to feel you, want… want you to — to…"
He trailed off, still not sure how to say it, to put it into words. Words that didn't sound in his head like they were straight out of some cheap porno. That had been fine for a joke, but this… Jakob didn't wantthisto be a joke, even — especially—if this never happened again.
"You've got me," Ethan promised him, eyes glinting, his hand coming up to cup Jakob's jaw. "You've always got me. I just… I can't lose you, Jakob. Don't want you having any regrets, feeling like — like I pushed you into something."
"Not pushing," Jakob corrected, fully aware that ifanyonewas pushing here, it was him. "Joining.You're my best friend, Ethan. Nothing could ever change that. Maybe this is just… something more. But only if you want."
"Iwant," Ethan growled. "Shit, you have noideahow much I want you. How many times I've thought about — about…Pleasedon't be screwing around on me here, Jakob. Don't think I could take it, if you — if — "
But Jakob silenced him with another kiss, trying to press his sincerity on Ethan through his touch; thrusting his hips forward, groaning as a bolt of lust shot through him right from Ethan's cock into Jakob's as he ground against the unmistakable hardness in Ethan's jeans.
It wasn't enough though, something just…not rightabout the jean material, the way it constricted and pinched…
"Here, wait — can I?" Ethan asked, his fingers brushing lightly against Jakob's belly and sending shivers racing up and down his spine at the touch. He teased over the button of Jakob's fly and Jakob nodded quickly; thezipfilling the air like the sweetest of music before he was lifting his hips to help Ethan tug the pants down his thighs.
"Fuck," Ethan whispered as Jakob kicked his jeans away. "You — You reallydo…"
Jakob gasped as Ethan reached out to trace the damp spot on Jakob's boxers wearing a poleaxed expression; his touch ghosting over Jakob's cock and making him buck up into Ethan's hand from pure reflex as his body screamed formore.
And more he got, as if Ethan could read what Jakob needed on his face; palming Jakob's cock through the thin fabric of his boxers, squeezing gently along the length of him, then further to cup his balls as Jakob quivered; trying not to start rutting into Ethan's palm like — like some kind of animal, no matter how — how fuckinggood —
"Look atyou," Ethan's deep voice rumbled around Jakob as he shook in Ethan's hands. "Just beautiful. Look so fucking perfect. This what you want?"
Jakob nodded his head furiously, gripping Ethan's broad shoulders like the steering wheel to his pickup, feeling like he was spinning out of control simply from his best friend's touch.
"Use your words, darlin'," Ethan urged in that sexy-as-sin voice of his. Then he tensed, as if realizing what he'd said. "I — sorry. I shouldn't have — "
"Say it again?" Jakob interrupted him. He'd never had anyone call him that before, either, but he liked it.Oh, did he like it. Liked the way it sounded in Ethan's mouth especially, all warm and fond. "Please?"
"Darlin'?" Ethan whispered, his voice low and husky, and Jakob shivered at the endearment; pressing forward into the firmness of Ethan's hand with a moan.
"Fuckinghell," Ethan muttered, before tipping Jakob's chin up with his fingers to steal a kiss. "Tell me what you need."
"Anything," Jakob begged between kisses, his hands dropping to the button of Ethan's fly. "Everything.You."
He was long past feeling self-conscious now, not when Ethan was looking at him like that, his eyes wide and full of awe. Between them both, they managed to peel Ethan's jeans off him, throwing them in roughly the same direction Jakob's had gone earlier.
Jakob reached to help him get his underwear off too, but froze at Ethan's whispered, "Wait —" before Ethan flipped them both over, sending Jakob's brain into overload.
At six foot even and a hundred and eighty-four pounds as of his last team weigh-in, Jakob wasnota small man. But there was a reason Ethan dominated the field as their team's left tackle, and all that muscle pressing Jakob into the mattress had his cockleapingto attention.
Especially when Ethan started rolling his hips, grinding their cocks together in a shower of cascading lights and sparklers, lighting up Jakob's entire body like the damn Fourth of July.
Specifically, the one they'd spent all the money they'd made mowing lawns that summer at the fireworks stands clustered just at the edge of the city limits. All that work and planning, just to have one of the rockets go off not ten feet over their heads. The sparks had rained down around them as they'd huddled together, trying to present as small a target as possible; eyes locked on the plastic bag where the rest of their highly flammable loot lay. Hooting and hollering, hands clutching each other's clothing. Half pulling, half being dragged as they'd both run blindly; shrieking their heads off with laughter as they'd raced across the damp sands of the beach towards the arguable safety of the dunes. Only to hear thewhooshas the remainder of their cache lit up behind them…
"Ethan, I'm — I'm gonna — "
"That's it, Jakob," Ethan whispered into Jakob's neck, breath warm on his skin. "That's it. I've got you."
"But it's — I don't want… It's too — toosoon,"Jakob protested; writhing and gasping as he tried to explain, tried to extricate himself despite his body's demands that he donosuch fucking thing. "I want — I wanted…"
"Alright, alright," Ethan panted as he rose, his weight shifting the mattress, to sit back on his heels between Jakob's thighs. He looked as wild-eyed and desperate as Jakob felt; flushed and gorgeous, Ethan's massive chest heaving as his lungs sucked in air.