Page 36 of Go the Long Way
Jakob's gaze trailed further south across flexing abs to catch at Ethan's belly button, before following the dark trail of hair down, down, and downward still; right up to the hem of Ethan's boxer briefs and the obvious curve of his cock where it was straining against the material. There was a damp patch visible on the fabric, igniting a curl ofneedwithin Jakob.
I did that,he thought, a lick of pride shooting straight to his cock.That's mine.
"So… What is it you want then?" Ethan asked; palms curling around Jakob's ankles, thumbs rubbing anxious little circles around the bumps of bone.
But Jakob was already moving, body crying out at the loss of Ethan's against his.
"Want to feel you," he murmured as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of Ethan's boxer briefs and — at Ethan's shaky nod — pulled them down as Ethan rose up on his knees.
Jakob swallowed, watching as Ethan's cock sprang free; staring transfixed at the thick, flushed length of it bobbing just in front of his face.
They'd seen each other naked hundreds of times before — swimming in the bay, showers after practice. That time there'd been a summer storm, and they'd been so all over mud and sand that Jakob's step-dad hadn't let them in the house until they'd hosed themselves off down by the stables first; horse blankets wrapped around their dripping but clean selves as they'd gone whooping up the drive.
Jakob knew the story behind each and every one of Ethan's scars covering his best friend's hide. Had been there for more than a fair few of them, in fact, just as Ethan had been for Jakob's in return. But this… Both of them nakedtogether, wrapped around each other here in Ethan's bed?
This wasentirelydifferent.
Jakob wet his bottom lip, considering; reaching out to gently run his fingers along Ethan's length, his cock so heavy and warm andaliveas it twitched against Jakob's hand.
"How… How does that evenfit?" Jakob asked in awe. And though he was as familiar with the workings of a cock as any man could be, suddenly he was face to face with the practicalities of what — up until now, at least — had only been theoretical at best.
"I… you work up to it," Ethan answered, his words ending on a groan as Jakob wrapped his fingers around that rigid girth and began to stroke Ethan much as he would himself. Swiping his thumb over the leaking crown, Jakob marveled at the gasp that slipped free of Ethan's mouth as he smeared the pre-cum he collected there around the tip of Ethan's cock.
Ethan's eyes fluttered shut, his lips parting, head tipping back as he moaned low and sweet.
Fuck, but he was a beautiful sight like this. One Jakob could happily watch all day.
"Ja-Jakob," Ethan panted. "I'm not going to — uh, to last very long if you keep doing th-that."
"Sorry," Jakob whispered, stilling his movements.
"No reason to be sorry," Ethan insisted as his hand curled along the side of Jakob's neck, his thumb resting right over Jakob's rabbit-quick pulse. "Just trying to follow your lead, make sure you get… whatever it is you seem to be wanting from all this. Can go as slow or fast as you like. Just gotta tell me what you want."
"Want you naked, for a start."
"NowthatI can do," Ethan grinned, before rising from the bed to do just that.
Jakob didn't waste the chance to shuck off his own underwear, unable to resist snapping his at Ethan like the band was a slingshot. Ethan had his back turned, fiddling with something in the top drawer of his dresser. He was distracted enough that Jakob managed to hit his friend right in the side of the head to a startled, "Hey!"
Andthatearned him a tackle; both of them laughing as Ethan's weight drove Jakob down onto the bed, the circle of Ethan's arms making him very willing to go. The mattress bounced under them, the frame squeaking in protest, Ethan's grin rivaling the sun for brightness.
It turned strained though, anxious; shadows lurking in those warm brown eyes as he held up for Jakob's inspection a —
Oh. A condom packet and a bottle of lube.
Jakob swallowed, suddenly nervous, despite all his previous bravado. A fact that Ethan instantly picked up on, his expression shuttering as he lowered his hands.
"We… You don't have to. Plenty of other stuff we can do. It's just that you said… I mean, Ithought…"
Licking his too-dry lips, Jakob slowly reached out to pluck the bottle from Ethan's hand, turning it over curiously and watching the viscous liquid shifting inside; the way the tiny bubbles slowly gathered just under the surface, all bunched up but never quite breaking through.
"No, it's, uh — " he cleared his throat, willing his voice to come from the ceiling and back into his normal register, and tried again. "It is. I mean,yes. I want to. I just…"
Jakob took a deep breath, focusing on Ethan's expression. Struggled to put out of his mind how unusual the situation was. To grab hold once more of that thrill of feeling Ethan's naked body pressed against his own, the way his cock was drooling so fat and heavy against Jakob's thigh. Staring into those sharp brown eyes, watching him so intently now. But still the familiar face of his best friend in the entire world.
Jakob reached up, cupping Ethan's face in his hand, inhaling sharply as Ethan turned to press a kiss on Jakob's palm and sending the fire burning in Jakob's belly even higher.
Yes, this is right. This is how it should be.A little voice inside Jakob whispered, giving words to the ache he could feel in his bones.