Page 18 of His Own Heaven
“I think maybe she’d like us to fuck her now,” Toby said, and she didn’t miss the undertone of humour in his rich baritone. “What do you say, baby?”
Lucy closed her eyes and unfurled her fingers so they lay flat against her thighs.Finally. “Yes, please.”
“Then how about you take out my cock.”
Eyes snapping open, Lucy shot a quick glance at Toby’s face before levelling her gaze directly in front of her. At the cock in question.
She’d gotten a glimpse of Charlie’s thick length when he kicked off his jeans and moved to stand behind her again anddamn!The man wasn’t kidding when he’d said he had a big dick. He was huge. Which—holy shit—meant Toby’s was even bigger.
“…that is one area my little brother has me beat.”
As she lifted her hands to his fly, she moistened her lips with a quick flick of her tongue, then swallowed hard. Why was she so damn nervous all of a sudden? It was just a dick. She’d seen plenty of them in her forty years of life. One more was certainly no big deal.
The zipper’s metallic purr sounded loud in the quiet of the conservatory, and she rolled her lips between her teeth to stop a fit of giggles from escaping.
“Everything okay down there?”
Lucy huffed out a laugh. She was being stupid. Hadn’t she just been complaining they were taking too long, and now here she was dragging it out even more. And for what? Because she’d had a momentary lapse in maturity, the sound of the zipper reminding her of a funny scene from one of her favourite movies—right before it was insinuated that the hero had an enormous cock.
“Everything’s fine, Sir,” she said, quickly glancing up at the man towering over her.
A knowing grin decorated his handsome face, causing his eyes to crinkle in the corners, and she couldn’t help but smile back. But then he cocked one brow and thrust his hips at her face, a not-so-subtle reminder of what she was supposed to be doing.
With a flick of her wrist, Lucy popped the button at Toby’s waist, parted the denim flaps, and pulled his jeans down his impossibly long legs. And it was then she realised that even if she’d seen a thousand dicks in her forty years of life, she’d never seen anything that would have prepared her for Toby’s. Because it wasn’tjusta dick, and it most certainlywasa big deal.
It was the biggest freaking deal she’d ever seen.
“Dear Lord!” she breathed, pressing her hand to her chest as if it could stop her heart from thundering its way out through her ribcage.
“Is there a problem?”
“Um… no, Sir. Not a problem. Exactly. It’s just that you’re, uh….” She tilted her head to the side to look at it from a different angle, as if that would somehow make it more likely to fit inside her without an intensive warm-up session first. “Well, it’s just….”
Lucy blew out a shuddering breath. “Your body is very… proportionate, isn’t it?”
Toby didn’t bother hiding his amusement at her observation. “Is that your way of saying I have a big dick?”
Swallowing hard, she nodded, her gaze never leaving the flawless monster in front of her face. “Yes,” she said. “Yes it is.”
But it wasn’t just that it was big. It was, objectively speaking, gorgeous. Which was really saying something considering male genitalia was not the most attractive thing on the face of the planet. Toby’s dick was long and thick, the root of it as thick as her wrist. And it wasn’t overly veiny or bent at an odd angle like some she’d seen but straight as an arrow and smooth like silk, tempting her to stroke her fingers along its steely length, to taste it. To take her time and savour it.
Put simply, Tobias Bennett had the most perfectly formed dick she’d ever seen. The gold standard of cocks. Hell, even his balls looked nice.
“Lucy, baby?”
She could hear the smile in his voice and didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning at her and the look of utter wonderment on her face. “Uh-huh?”
“My eyes are up here.”
“Okay,” she murmured, then licked her lips again. “But you know that thing you said before, about being rendered speechless?”
His perfectly manscaped cock bounced around in front of her face as his whole body shook with laughter. “Yes.”
Giving in to temptation, Lucy took the object of her desire in her hands, leaned forwards, and licked away the pearl of pre-come that had gathered at the tip. Then she looked up at him with a wicked smile and said, “Ditto.”