Page 19 of His Own Heaven
Chapter Seven
Toby kicked his jeans away, then fisted his hands in Lucy’s hair, guided his cock between her soft lips, andfaaark….
She wrapped her mouth around his throbbing shaft with all the confidence of a woman who knew exactly what she was doing, and for all his strength of will and self-control, Toby was powerless against her.
Head falling back, he closed his eyes and let out a long, low appreciative moan.
Charlie’s quiet voice pulled at him, and as much as he wanted to ignore his brother, he couldn’t. They were in this together. But when he lifted his head and opened his eyes, all he saw was his twin with a kind yet knowing expression on his face.
He nodded towards the door at the far end of the conservatory, the one leading into his own house. “Maybe I should go…?”
Toby wasn’t surprised by the offer. He’d made it himself often enough and always to a resounding “no”. But they’d never done this before with someone they knew, someone they—he—was interested in on a more personal level.
Glancing down at Lucy, he watched for a moment as she bobbed back and forth, pulling his thick cock deeper with every suck. She had one hand wrapped around the root of him, the other gripped his hip, and her gaze was glued to his navel in a look of fierce concentration. Though if Toby had to guess, he’d say she was actually concentrating more on pretending not to overhear their conversation than she was on giving him a blow job.
Did he want Charlie to leave?
The whole reason they’d gone out in the first place was so Charlie could get laid, and honestly, could he really deny his brother the sheer bliss of this woman’s expertise?
Yes, he realised.Easily. He could very easily deny his brother the ecstasy of Lucy’s mouth—and the rest of her—and keep her all for himself, but as he looked down at her and caught her guarded gaze, he knew who should make the decision, and it wasn’t him.
If Lucy wanted him alone, he wouldn’t complain, and he knew Charlie would bow out gracefully and let them have their fun. And if she wanted them both as originally planned, that was fine too. But if she did want them both, Toby knew—as he had from the beginning—he’d have to rein in his darker impulses.
Charlie was an adventurous man but by no means a particularly kinky one. It also meant finding a way to keep Lucy in his bed long after Charlie retired for the night so he could let those darker impulses out to play.
He’d promised her, after all, that he could give her want she needed, and if he were being completely honest with himself, he needed it too.
He wouldn’t be satisfied with anything less than total dominion over her.
Not when it came to Lucy Barton.
And yes, even if it could only be for one night.
“Lucy, baby,” Toby said, gathering her hair in one hand and easing himself out of her mouth. He suppressed a groan when she sucked hard on the head of his cock, then let it go with a wetpop.
Before either Toby or Charlie could speak further, she dropped her gaze to the floor and spoke quietly. “Is it my scars?” she said. “Is that why you don’t want to stay?” Her hands rested on her knees, balled into fists, and she refused to lift her head and look at them.
Charlie’s jaw dropped, and the brothers shared a look of panic as they realised their misstep.
“Oh no, no, no, beautiful,” his brother murmured as he crouched down beside her. “That’s not it at all.”
Toby joined them on the floor and cupped Lucy’s cheek in his hand. “Charlie only meant….” He looked at his brother, silently imploring him for help. He’d never been very good at this type of conversation, at soothing someone’s hurts.
Talking in general had never been very high on his list of priorities. He preferred action over words, a sure yet gentle caress over an indulgent platitude. And if he had to talk, he kept it brief. Or abrupt, as he’d been told on more than one occasion. Many more.
Thankfully, this was not a problem for Charlie. “I only meant that you and Toby are more suited to each other, sexually speaking, and maybe you would enjoy yourselves more without me here.”
Lucy lifted her gaze to Charlie’s, her expression wary, her hands still clenched into fists. “And if I want you to stay?”
Charlie smiled kindly, then pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Then I’ll stay,” he said, then grinned and added, “As long as you realise that if this”—he indicated the three of them with a wave of his hand—“was a tub of Neapolitan ice cream, I’d be the strip of vanilla.”
A burst of laughter escaped Lucy, and her expression softened with the effort. “There’s nothing wrong with vanilla,” she said, then kissed him again.
Toby relaxed as he watched the tension ease from Lucy’s posture, watched her lean into his brother’s embrace and deepen their kiss.
When she pulled away, she turned to Toby, her expression hopeful. “Is it okay if Charlie stays with us?”