Page 71 of This Time Around
That did make sense. It also explained why she’d given Sam access to her accounts. But he still cocked one brow and stared down at her upturned face. “You’re sure it was your idea?”
Jane’s brow furrowed and her eyebrows pinched together. “Yes,” she said, dragging the word out. She didn’t sound very sure. “Why?”
“Sam is a con artist, baby. It is literally his job to make other people think his bad decisions are their brilliant ideas then thank him for his time.” And then another thought struck him. Only, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to his next question. “And the whole swinger thing? His idea, or yours?”
Her mouth twisted with disgust.Interesting. “His. Definitely his. And while we’re on the subject….”
“Yes?” It was his turn to stretch out the word.
Pink stained her cheeks and she ducked his gaze. “I never actually participated. In the swinging.”
“Umm… what?” Rafe definitely needed clarification for that one.
“I never swung, okay? Swang? Swinged? Whatever. I never had sex with anyone at those stupid parties.”
He choked back his laughter. “You went to sex parties, but never actually had sex?”
Jane scowled up at him as his body shook with his amusement. “Shut up,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs. “Have you seen the people who go to those things? They are creepy. With a capitalugh.” She shuddered. “I usually ended up in the kitchen making sandwiches or sitting in the corner nursing a beer and talking to the cat.”
“You should have called me,” Rafe said, stroking her hair away from her face. “I would have rescued you.”
“Rescuing me seems to have become your full-time job,” she grumbled.
“I can think of worse things to occupy my time,” he said, sliding down in the bed so his mouth was level with her perfect breasts. Her blissfully naked, perfect breasts. He laved her nipple with the broadside of his tongue and revelled in the feel of the sexy pink tip hardening under his touch. Matched her wanton moan with one of his own.
“Rafe.” Her hands slid over his scalp and forced him closer. “More.”
“How much more, beautiful?”
“All of it,” she sighed. “All of you.”
“As you wish.”
Rafe made short work of getting Jane under him, of sucking and biting her nipples until they were dark pink and as hard as rubies.
He loved the way she arched her back, as though she were trying to shove her breast deeper in his mouth. When he tried to tease her and pull away, she grabbed his head in both hands, her fingernails scoring his skull as she dragged him back down.
Fierce little woman.
Methodically, he worked his way down her body and back again, kissing and licking, touching, feeling, learning. Her body was changing, growing more sensitive every day, and he loved discovering new ways to turn her on, new ways to make her sigh or cry out or moan in pleasure.
By the time he slid his hard cock deep inside her warm, wet pussy, she was a writhing bundle of sexually taut nerves, begging him for release. And he was more than happy to oblige.
Holding his weight off her, Rafe rocked his hips, rolled them against her lithe little body and the new softness he felt there. She’d started gaining weight with the pregnancy, had started rounding out in several places. He liked it.
Not that he hadn’t liked her body before—he loved her petite little figure, even if it made him feel like a giant when he stood before her, naked.
But this new softness, these extra curves, he didn’t how to describe it or why, but they did things to him. Made him want her even more than usual. Made that sense of pride he felt every time he stroked his hand over her swollen belly want to stand up and crow, victorious. “I did this!”
A broad grin stretched across his face at the thought and he knew Jane would thump him if he ever said something so Neanderthalish out loud.
“What are you grinning at?” she said between panted breaths.
“Just enjoying the feel of my big dick inside your insanely tight cunt.” She squeezed her body around his shaft and Rafe’s eyes rolled back in his head.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what, baby?”