Page 72 of This Time Around
“Make a word as crude as cunt sound sexy as hell.”
His grin grew. “It helps that everyone thinks I’m too boring to even know what the word means,” he said, then enjoyed the way her muscles clenched around his cock when she laughed.
“Oh God, Rafe. I’m going—to—” Jane cried out as her release hit, her body clamping so tightly around Rafe’s cock he couldn’t have held back his own orgasm if he’d tried. He followed on her heels, yelling her name as did. He didn’t even care that his whole family probably—definitely—heard them.
We need our own place.
Gathering her in his arms, he said, “Move in with me.”
Jane rested her chin on his chest. “Move in here?”
“For now,” he said. “But I was thinking, there are a few places up for sale on the other side of town, and we’re going to need our own place eventually.”
He tightened his arms around her. “Yes, our,” he repeated. “Whether you marry me or not, Janie, I’m never letting you go again.”
Chapter Fifteen
The next morning passed in a blur in what felt like an endless merry-go-round of trips between her parent’s house and The Forge, as Jane and Abby transferred all of Jane’s belongings to her new home, giggling like twelve year olds the entire time.
Rafe had offered to help but Jane had declined. One, because she wanted to spend some girl time with her BFF, and two, because Rafe had enough to do, first making space for her in his room, then finishing up at his office, getting ready to open for business on Monday morning.
After a celebratory lunch of fish and chips—because moving in with the man of your dreams should always be celebrated—Jane and Abby took over the kitchen.
“This feels familiar,” Abby said, sitting at the table with her sketchpad and charcoal in hand while Jane sifted flour into the cake mixture she was making. “I’ve missed this.”
It’d been several months since they done anything like this. Probably closer to a year. The sifter’s metallicshushingceased as Jane’s hands stilled over the bowl. “I’ve been a really crappy friend this year, haven’t I?”
The truth of it hit her like a bullet train and her knees wobbled, threatening to give out beneath her. Abby leapt to her feet and grabbed Jane around the waist, eased her into a chair. The sifter bounced where it landed on the table in a tiny cloud of flour.
“You’ve had a lot on your plate this year,” Abby said. “That doesn’t make you a crappy friend.”
But Jane knew the truth.
She’d been more demanding, more temperamental, and less attentive to things, to people who deserved better. “I’m sorry, Abby,” she said. “For all the stress I caused you over Richard and Wolf and the engagement party and the wedding and everything, and for being bossy and interfering and I honestly don’t know why you put up with me—”
“Shutting up,” she said.
Abby smiled at her, laughed, then pulled her into a hug, enveloped her in warmth and the scent of rose scented soap. “I put with you because I love you. And I love you because you may come across as a loony-toon, but anyone who truly knows you, knows you’d do anything for the people you love. And without you and your bossy interference, I wouldn’t have ended up with Wolf. So thanks for that.”
Jane laughed and wiped her tears away.Stupid hormones making her cry again. “I love you, Abbs.”
Her friend shrugged. “So you should. I’m awesome.”
Jane laughed again, louder, harder, and just like that, she knew everything was going to be okay.
Jane rummaged through the box marked “misc. bed.” searching for the spare phone charger she was sure she’d packed that morning. What she found instead was infinitely more important.
Small and unassuming, the gift she’d wrapped in plain blue paper, stared up at her.
Not quite taunting her, but also notnottaunting her.
She’d searched for it for months, then angrily shoved in it in a drawer and promptly forgot about it after the Great Phone Call Sidestep.
But as Rafe moved around the room behind her, she lifted the gift out of the cardboard box, stared at it a moment longer, then thrust it towards him before she changed her mind and hid it again. “Here.”