Page 72 of Skye
“The kind they think will be able to put all of Humpty Dumpty’s pieces back together again.” He smirks to himself, as if he liked that joke.
“So, he has a bit of therapy and gets to come back like nothing happened?”
Brewer’s eyes flare. “Oh, he’s not going to come back like nothing happened. He’ll pay his dues for what he’s done. Trust me.”
I don’t get an opportunity to ask what that means because his phone rings, and I don’t miss the relief on his face at having this conversation interrupted as he puts it to his ear.
I don’t know who he’s speaking to, but the conversation seems one-sided. After a moment, his eyes slide towards me as he makes clipped ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers that put me on alert. I see the change in his body language and feel the heaviness surrounding us as he talks to whoever is on the other end of the line.
A ripple of unease works through me as I wait for the conversation to end. When he finally finishes the call, he doesn’t meet my eyes, and that unease multiplies by a thousand.
Has something happened back at the clubhouse?
Have the Pioneers attacked?
Is Skye hurt?
The questions collide through my mind so fast, it’s dizzying.
“What’s going on?” I demand, even though I have no right to that answer.
Brewer’s mouth pulls into a tight line as he rubs the back of his neck. “That was Howler. You need to get back to the clubhouse—”
I don’t let him finish before turning and sprinting back down the corridor we just walked through. It’s Skye. I feel it in my gut, every instinct in my body urging me to get back to her.
Emotions like I have never felt, not even in that room when my father was beating the devil out of me, assault me as I shove through the door that leads back into the main room.
I ignore Brewer calling after me, and I barely give Keeley a second glance as I blow out the front doors and into the cool air.
Rushing over to my bike, I quickly drag on my helmet, barely settling it in place as I turn the engine over. The rumble of the pipes is loud, as usual, but I don’t notice it as I kick up the stand and peel out of the parking area.
The ride back to the clubhouse feels as if it takes an eternity, and I drive recklessly, sweeping through the traffic without a care for my own safety.
Richardson has her…
It’s the thought that gnaws at me as I break every speed limit to get back to the clubhouse. I should’ve called Howler before I left, got the details of what happened, but I didn’t want to waste even a second.
As the building comes into view, the pressure on my chest intensifies. I don’t like not knowing what I’m walking into, and as soon as I’m off the bike, I pull my pocketknife from my back pocket, just in case.
The building is quiet as I step inside, which adds to the heightened sense of unease growing within me. I expected gunfire, shouting, anything.
I barely breathe as I push the door to the common room open and step through it.
I see Skye first, her head bowed, her shoulders heaving as if she’s sucking in huge gulps of air. I can feel her panic and terror from where I’m standing, and it makes my skin burn.
Pia is crouched in front of her, speaking in a low voice that doesn’t travel across the space, but whatever she’s saying is having no impact.
The only thing that stops me from freaking the fuck out is that I don’t see any blood on her or any other injury.
Knowing she’s okay for the moment, I take in the two suits sitting at a table across from Skye. My whole body jolts when I realise I fucking know them.
Kane and Luke Fraser. The blonde woman with them is, I’m fairly certain, Lucas’s wife. Her name escapes me at the moment, but I don’t give a fuck about that.
Why the fuck are they here?
Their brother, Zeke, is Nox’s brother-in-law. He’s also part of the Fraser crime syndicate, which Kane is head of. I’ve dealt with all three brothers multiple times over the years, but London is a long way from Manchester, and as far as I know, the Frasers don’t have business or ties here.