Page 73 of Skye
My gaze snaps to my president, looking for some kind of instruction. He gives me a slight shake of his head, which does nothing to calm the throbbing in my own head.
“I heard you got transferred out of London,” Kane says, leaning back in his chair as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Small world, isn’t it?”
“Someone want to explain what’s going on?”
At the sound of my voice, Skye lifts her head to seek me out. There is a dazed look in her eyes. I expect her to come to me, but she stares at me instead, and I don’t like the look on her face.
What the fuck have they done to her?
“We’re taking Skye home with us,” Lucas’s wife says.
“Sariah.” There is a bite of warning in Lucas’s tone, but all I’m focused on is what she said.
“Like fuck you are,” I snap. If they think they’re taking her out of this building without a fight, they are mistaken. “Skye ain’t going anywhere with you. She ain’t going anywhere she doesn’t want to, period.”
I glance at my woman, watching her bottom lip wobble. When I kissed her before we fell asleep, she looked at me as if I was her everything. All I see now is hurt and suspicion, and I don’t fucking like it.
“Do you think I’m going to leave her here?” Sariah scoffs. “Over my dead body.”
Is she for real?“You try to take her, that’s exactly what you’ll be,” I snarl.
Those words have Lucas Fraser coming out of his seat, the easy-going demeanour he had only moments ago disappearing. “I will knock your fucking teeth out and feed them to you.” The brittle thread of anger vibrates through his words.
I don’t doubt he will do it, as he’s not a man to make empty threats, but I have more at stake here than he understands.
And I’m willing to fight for it.
“She’s mine.” I step towards him, sizing him up as I do.
The Frasers run underground fight clubs in the city, but I’ve never seen this prick throw a punch. He ain’t exactly scrawny, and I’m not sure what experience he has fighting, but I will destroy him to keep my girl safe.
“Yours?” Sariah seems stunned by this, and her eyes slide towards Skye. “Did he force you into a relationship with him?”
The accusation has me upending the nearest table, which I figure is better than unleashing the fury exploding through me on her. Both brothers are on their feet now, guns in their hands pointed at me.
The two prospects I hadn’t noticed initially are pointing weapons back at them.
Skye screams, a sound that seems to come from deep within her, as she launches out of her chair and throws herself in front of me. “Don’t shoot!”
Is she fucking crazy?
I grab her arm, and I’m not gentle as I drag her behind me, shielding her with my body. It feels good to have my hands on her, and it goes a little way to calming the red filming my vision.
“Nobody is going to shoot.” Howler raises his hands out, his stance defensive. “You don’t come into my clubhouse and point guns at my men.” He says this last part to the Frasers.
Kane doesn’t take his eyes off me. “Then call your dog to heel.”
He’s lucky I have Skye trembling against my back.
“This isn’t how this was meant to go down,” Sariah says, reaching out to her husband and gently pushing his wrist down.
He stares at her for a beat before he lowers the gun, holstering it under his suit jacket. “Little dove, you may well be the death of us all,” he says, taking her hand and brushing his mouth over her knuckles before he turns to Kane. His older brother says nothing, but he does shift to shoulders up before putting his gun on the tabletop and sitting down again.
“I think we need to start from the beginning,” Sariah says. “Desmond Richardson is my father, which makes Skye my half-sister.”
What the fuck?