Page 98 of Skye
I guess the dark turn my thoughts took must have played out on my face. I grab her hips, urging her to continue. “Don’t stop,” I order.
Her eyes narrow slightly, but she circles her hips again, and I close my eyes as my balls start to tighten. All thoughts disappear from my mind. There is nothing but the feel of her and the sensations building inside me.
I focus on breathing, steady inhalations followed by ragged exhales, and the sound of her whimpers and moans drags me closer to the edge.
Pulling one hand from her hip, I press it against her clit, circling and rubbing at the sensitive nub in a way I have come to know she likes.
She throws her head back as her cunt squeezes me so tight, I see stars. The orgasm ripples through her, making her fall forwards onto her hands, choked breaths struggling to get through her corded throat.
It’s enough to send me over the edge with her. With a strangled groan, I spill my load inside her, her pussy dragging every last drop from me.
I blink at the ceiling, dizzy and elated all at the same time. I’m pretty sure if I tried to stand up, my legs would fold, so I drag her against my chest.
I lose her heat as my cock slips free of her wetness, but the sensation of her breasts and stomach against me is reward enough.
Skye’s hands rest against me, her cheek pressed to my skin just above my heart. This moment here, this is the one I lock into my memories. I never want to forget it or lose it.
I never want to lose her.
“You’re everything to me,” I tell her, and as she lifts her head to look at me, I take the opportunity to kiss her.
“As long as you know you’re everything to me,” she says when we break apart.
We take our time getting up, showering together before getting dressed. She’s pulled on a cute skater kind of dress that fits tight under her tits but flares above her stomach, hiding her pregnancy from those who don’t know. She couples it with a pair of tights and ankle boots that make my cock solid in my jeans.
Hand-in-hand, we make our way down to the common room, and when we step inside, I get the instant feeling something is wrong.
The room being busy isn’t unusual, not even for this time of day, but there is a frantic tension in the air. I tighten my grip on Skye’s hand as I spot Hawk talking with Socket.
He notices me and immediately walks towards me, pushing through the crowd of brothers. There are no old ladies here, and I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
“What’s going on?” I don’t give him a chance to say anything before I ask the question. The unease swirling through my stomach is eroding the happiness I felt only moments ago.
Hawk winces, as if this question pains him. His gaze slides from me to Skye in a way that makes me want to punch the answer out of him.
“I’ll make myself scarce if you need to talk,” Skye says, and I love her so much for understanding our world without any hint of anger.
“No need to, sweetheart. This’ll be public knowledge by the end of the day. We had church this morning. Trick…”
I feel Skye stiffen, her fingers flexing in mine unintentionally. Even hearing that cunt’s name is enough to fan the flames of my anger. I still want to kill the fucker for putting his hands on my woman, but where he’s been is a secret no one wants to share.
“What about him?” I demand gruffly.
“Beau.” Skye says my name softly, dousing some of my anger.
“Howler sent him to London. He’s been having therapy sessions with some big shrink down there that the club knows.”
“I don’t give a fuck what he’s doing. You keep him away from me and away from Skye. If I see him again, I’ll fucking kill him.”
I truly mean that. Skye wore bruises around her neck for a week after he attacked her in this very fucking room. I feel my anger bubbling within me, and it’s only Skye’s hold on my hand that stops it from erupting out of me.
“The table voted. He’s coming home.”
It takes everything I have not to grab him by the front of his kutte. “What the fuck do you mean he’s coming home? He tried to kill my woman. You think I want him near Skye and my baby?”
Hawk raises his hands, his stance defensive, but I’m ready to attack. “Just calm down for a second. I understand that you’re pissed—”
“You have no idea what I want to do to that fucker.”