Page 99 of Skye
“Believe me, kid, I do.”
“I’m going to give you guys a moment,” Skye says, slipping free of my hand. I try to grab her again, suddenly needing her right at my side. “I’m just going to grab some breakfast. I won’t go far.”
The fact she understands where my brain has gone and knows how to reassure me would usually warm me, but the fire burning in my gut has nothing to do with her.
“Come straight back to me when you’re done.” I don’t mean to sound brusque, but if he is already here, I need her at my side.
She nods and slips away, moving through the crowd towards the kitchen. Every fibre of my body urges me to follow her, but instead, I turn back to Hawk. “How the hell can he be allowed to come back after what he did?”
From the look on his face, I’m not going to like his answer. “She ain’t an old lady.”
My eyes flare wide. “He’s allowed to come back on a technicality? You really want him around Wren? Around your girls?”
“He’s trying to make amends.”
I scoff at him, my fingers flexing at my sides. “Is that a fucking joke? He wrapped his hand around Skye’s neck. He would have killed her if I hadn’t dragged him off.”
“I don’t like this either, but rules are rules. Technically, he didn’t break any of them. Skye isn’t officially claimed, and he’s still a brother.”
I scrub a hand over my face, needing something to do so I don’t unleash on him. “She’s mine, and everyone in this fucking club knows it.”
Hawk peers at me with sympathy in his eyes. I see he’s not happy with this decision either, but he’s not an officer. Like me, he doesn’t get a say at the table.
“If I’d been in a position to, I would’ve voted against him coming back.”
I spot Howler across the room talking with the VP, and ignoring whatever Hawk says next, I make a beeline for him. As if sensing my approach, his gaze slides towards me and he watches as I get closer, not an ounce of fear in his eyes.
“I need a word.”
Howler slides his glass onto the top of the bar without a word and turns towards his office. I trail after him, trying to control my emotions.
As we step inside, I shut the door behind us and calm goes out the window. “I’m claiming Skye.”
Howler rounds the desk, sinking into his chair. “You know about Trick,” he correctly surmises.
“We ain’t staying here unless she has protection from that animal.”
Howler steeples his fingers, bringing the points to his mouth. “You’ve had weeks to claim the girl. Why haven’t you yet?”
Because I’m fucking stupid.
Because Skye and I have been living in our own bubble since we got back.
Because I didn’t think I needed to make official how I feel about my woman.
“I didn’t realise that anyone could disrespect the person I love in this club just because she doesn’t have a property patch on her back. Is that what the Sons is about?”
Anger ripples across his face. “Be careful.”
I clamp my jaw together, holding what I want to say behind my teeth.
“I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you about the merits of the man coming back or staying gone. The decision was made. He’s coming back.” The fucker. Before I can speak and let out more volatile words, Howler continues. “I know you’re pissed. I would be too. We already voted in church to make Skye yours officially. They give her full protection of the club, although I don’t think she’ll need it. Trick wants to make amends. What he did to Skye opened his eyes to how far he’d fallen.”
“I’m so happy him trying to kill my girl snapped the crazy out of him,” I mutter sarcastically.
Howler glares at me, and I wonder if he’s thinking about smacking the shit out of me. “You missed the important part in what I just said. We officially made Skye an old lady this morning.”
I did miss that part. It deflates some of my righteous rage. “I need assurances. He tried to kill her. He hates Richardson, and Skye, for better or worse, is his daughter. I promise you if he so much as breathes in her direction, I will kill him. I’m done playing games with her safety.”