Page 5 of Tempting Klaus
“I’ve got it,” I turn quickly, knowing full well I am imagining all of this. “Go and sit with your son, he might take his eyes off his phone for you,” I give a playful shrug but deep down inside I am hurting.
I don’t stand around long enough to know whether Klaus replied to me or not, I just grab the bags and disappear into the guest room.
And that’s where I stay until I know the coast is clear.
Groaning,I roll over and feel Stan lying next to me.What the hell?I don’t even remember falling asleep. Slowly sitting up, my mouth is dry and I know I shouldn’t have drunk those glasses of wine, yet, I still wanted more.
Slipping off the bed, careful not to make a noise, I scoot over to where our luggage is thrown across the floor and pull out my pyjamas. I feel dirty that I am still in my day clothes and I have been asleep. Looking over at a snoring Stan, he has his phone clutched in his hand and I roll my eyes.
Tiptoeing into the en-suite, I switch the light on and close the door softly. I make quick work of stripping down then I step under the waterfall shower head and let the warm water wash the day away. I am starting to think the stuff that comes out my husband’s mouth are nothing but lies.
Pushing the intrusive thoughts away, I wrap a fluffy towel around me and brush my teeth. Once dry, I slip into my red silk shorts and a matching lace trimmed vest.
Not really ideal for sleepovers at your father-in-law’s but after what Stanley promised, I thought I better pack some sexy pyjamas as well as lingerie. I scoff. How silly was I. No doubt the underwear that I spent far too much money on will end up still at the bottom of the suitcase and I’ll wear frumpy pyjamas like I always do.
Maybe it’s me.
Maybe I am the problem.
Sighing, I hang my towel up and take my dirty clothes back into the bedroom. I fold them up and place them on top of my suitcase. I sit for a moment, drumming my fingers on my bare thigh when I decide that enough is enough. I needed a drink.
Opening the door softly, I stick my head out first to make sure the coast is clear. As much as Klaus is sex on legs and a dream boat. He is out of bounds.
I would rather die a virgin then have an affair with my husband’s dad.
Oh my god. Why was I even thinking this?
I practically run down the stairs and sneak into the kitchen. Tugging the large, heavy fridge door open I bend to grab the bottle of wine that I started earlier. Turning, I use my bum to shut the door and reach for my glass from the sink.
Rank. I know.
Pouring a generous amount, I then begin raiding the cupboards for a normal glass to fill with water. Finding one, I fill it up to the brim and drink it down before filling the now empty glass up again.
Finally letting out a deep breath, I put the wine back in the fridge behind me and lean over the worktop. The marble is cold against my body and I feel my nipples harden instantly. My mind wanders to Stan sneaking down here, pulling my little silk shorts to the side and fucking me until I reach orgasm but I snort a laugh at the thought.
He is never going to do that.
I am starting to see theanniversarynight dwindling into nothing.
False promises.
I shake my head and take a mouthful of my wine. It’s too good. I take another and stare into the darkness.
I am so lost in thought that when I hear the sound of footsteps, I jump, straightening myself up and I wait with bated breath. The time on the cooker is illuminated and I see it’s just gone midnight. Maybe it’s Stan. Hopefully he has realised how much of a dickhead he has been.
But it’s not.
I see Klaus round the corner wearing only jogging bottoms. Lightgreyjogging bottoms to be exact.
I wince when he turns the kitchen lights on and I automatically cover my chest with my arms but unfortunately, my eyes betray me by sweeping down over his toned upper body and land on the perfect, thick silhouette of his dick.
My mouth dries and I swallow.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to wake you,” I croak, just about managing to even squeeze any words out.
“You didn’t wake me,” a low rumble of a laugh echoes round the room, “I’ve been awake, just upstairs relaxing…” he trails off and steps closer to me and my breath catches.